Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 52 Listening



“The word ‘LISTEN’ contains the same letters as the word ‘SILENT’”. ~ Alfred Brendel “Listening is about being present, not just about being quiet.” ~ Krista Tippett Welcome back! We are learning to be more appreciative and grateful for all of the natural goodness in our life.  It’s about intentionally noticing the simple things everywhere around us. Today we are going to use another of our God-given senses.  Hearing. Have you ever truly stopped and thought about what an amazing gift sounds are?  Frequencies vibrating at different rates can make an amazing variety of noises, tones and even music!   Sounds can be quite pleasant, or they can range from being minor annoyances to being downright harsh and painful. In nature, sounds at times, are there to give a warning; from a distant roll or nearby clap of thunder, to an approaching predator, or an alert that a large waterfall is up ahead.  Sounds are also used by animals of all types to attract their mates, or warn their competitors, “This is my territory, stay