Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 53 Wake Up & Smell the World



“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” ~ Gerard De Nerval Welcome to day 3! Our intention for the day is to follow our noses. Or at least pay attention to the gift of smell. The practical purpose of our proboscis’, (that is our noses), is one of the most overlooked, (pardon the pun), powers we have been bestowed with. While animals have a much greater ability to use their noses for tracking and differentiating between vast numbers of varying smells, the human sense of smell is still quite acute. In fact, we can recognize thousands of different smells. This is because we have around five or six million odor-detecting cells high up in our nasal passages. On the other hand, rabbits have about a hundred million of these, while dogs have more than twice that number. Good luck in a smelling contest with the creatures of the wild world! Still, studies have shown that given the intention and opportunity, we can get pretty good at using our noses to track. In fact, we’ve been given two nostrils so that we ca