Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 50 Get Outside ~ Now!



“Every day is an opportunity to find ways big and small to transform our lives and to grow spiritually.” ~ Bobby Williams   There is a Norwegian concept known as “Friluftsliv”. Hard to pronounce, but a great philosophy to live by. Basically it’s about being outside as much as possible. It’s come to embody Norway’s cultural love affair with Nature. First introduced in 1859, Friluftsliv refers to uplifting ambience. One of the best ways you can enjoy the simple moments in an uplifting ambience in life is by going for regular walks. There are many reasons you should head out the door and take a walk right now.  Here are just a few of them - Fresh air Sunshine Exercise A Treat for All of Your Senses Get Fresh Perspective Elevate Your Mood A good walk outdoors can uplift your spirit, release endorphins and elevate your mood. Walking in nature is the best natural anti-depressant! Over the counter and available for all! And finally… It’s Good for Your Brain! Regular exercise changes the brain to improve cognitiv