Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 54 Touch



“Forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the winds long to play with your hair.” ~ Kahlil Gibran “Earth's crammed with heaven... But only he who sees, takes off his shoes.” ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning Welcome to Day 4! You are on a roll… Way to go! By now you are probably aware that you are generally most comfortable in using only one or two of your five senses. This can be eye-opening, (or nose-opening as we smelled yesterday). We have millions of specialized touch receptors in our skin and tissues, which send touch signals to our brains. These receptors all respond to touch, pressure, temperature and pain. Many animals, such as cats have an advantage over us. Their whiskers, which are very different from the fur on their bodies are actually touch receptors embedded deeper than their shorter top-coat fur. These hairs are connected to their nervous and muscular systems acting as sensory nerves and helping it to respond to changes in its surroundings. This helps them “see” with their bo