Mountain Zen Den Podcast

MZD - Ep 46 Releasing Stress



Ever find yourself feeling stressed and anxious and not even really knowing why? You know that feeling that your mind is racing back and forth just trying to find something to worry about?  I know there are plenty of things, real problems and issues that cause stress, but at the same time, there is this constant hum or buzz of anxiety that just continues like static in the background of our minds, no matter how good or bad things are going currently in our lives. As a form of self-preservation, the human mind is conditioned to remain alert and look for dangers and problems. This is how we survived since time began.  But in today’s world, other than crossing traffic or watching out for the other driver, there are way less life-threatening situations to cause a hyper-state of constant alertness and adrenaline release.  Yet, we very seldom give ourselves a break.  So many of us are dragging ourselves around in an exhausted stressed-out state of anxiety, worry and even panic - most of it totally uncalled for. The