Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle



Driven women business owners and leaders passionately improve the lives of their families, communities and the customers they serve. These female professionals join Amber Hurdle each week as she uses her experience working with international celebrities and Fortune 100 companies to show women small business owners and beyond how to play big. Through strong company cultures, branding, marketing, networking, business systems and smart employee practices, women in business can and will change the world.


  • How to Lead a Vibrant Life with Nicole Greer

    18/01/2024 Duration: 42min

    Nicole Greer helps individuals lead a more Vibrant life both personally and professionally. In this episode, Nicole joins me to share the formula she uses to help people shift their perspectives, change their habits, and “lead with light.”  Nicole shares in detail:  Why in order to live your most Vibrant life, you must SHINE! Self Assessment: What is it like to experience YOU? Habit work: Your behaviors are either building a vibrant life or killing your light Integrity: Understanding that this is a constantly evolving, diversified trait Next Right Steps: The best way to break down goals into manageable chunks Energy: Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Social, Money How the Vibrant Energy Audit can focus your efforts Why her #1 book recommendation is A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson Are you ready to SHINE?! Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Nicole Greer As a principal coach and CEO of Build a Vibrant Culture™, Nicole Greer h

  • Tap Into Your True Potential Using Quality Thinking with Noomi Natan

    04/01/2024 Duration: 45min

    This week’s guest, leadership coach Noomi Natan, focuses on the mental load of business. Whether you are an entrepreneur or part of a corporate team, Noomi discusses how to slow down to examine your thoughts and honor your inner knowing to be your most productive, fulfilled self. Noomi’s advice centers on:  Productivity and the effects of trying to “do it all” How to honor both your masculine and feminine energy in business What is a solo CEO retreat and why is it important? Recognizing that you are an asset in your business The link of joy and impact When feeling overwhelmed with tasks, take a moment to define your top 3 most important tasks and what you can ignore  Trusting yourself more than anyone else Ready to learn Noomi’s many great tips, tricks and analogies to help adjust your thinking and boost productivity? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Noomi Natan Noomi Melchior Natan is an internationally experienced leadership coach, courage cataly

  • Set New Year Intentions for 2024 & What to Leave Behind in 2023 (186)

    21/12/2023 Duration: 54min

    It’s time to ditch the New Year’s resolutions and instead approach 2024 with a strategic vision for success. This is one of my favorite times of year simply because I get excited about moving my life, my capacity for joy and abundance, and my own personal journey forward with a fresh starting line! Year after year, I focus my intentions on a small handful of things I want to experience in the coming year rather than trying to boil the ocean and then feeling like a failure when I don’t. There’s a better way. In this episode, you will learn about my annual personal growth strategies that involve a bougie annual visioning retreat. (Of course.) This carefully curated time includes determining five things to add in 2024 for a successful year and five things to leave behind in 2023 to make room for all the good that could take up that space in my life. Through this process, you will naturally find the most important things to add to your vision board, will have the structure to create your personal goals and career

  • Master your Body, Master your Life with Kate McKay

    07/12/2023 Duration: 34min

    One of nine children, Kate McKay realized at an early age that she was different. She did not quite fit in with her more morose family, but the stark contrast between her and the rest of her siblings shaped her life moving forward. When she ended up at an all girls’ high school, which showed her how much more she wanted in life, and exactly who she wanted to be. Kate used these various experiences to author numerous books based on confidence and personal growth, and today we sit down to discuss them all! Kate reminds us:  Always look at the light Your “secret sauce” is in your power of resiliency  Live powerfully with courage & enthusiasm The importance of ACTION It is your responsibility to step into your power Interested in Kay’s story of growth, strength and resiliency? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Kate McKay Kate is an international best-selling author of the book Claim Your Inner Badass and a multi-million dollar business builder, deeply co

  • Weathering the Storms in Your Life with Annie Meehan

    22/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    Surviving Hurricane Ian: Annie Meehan's 22-Hour Closet Revelation!

  • Accelerate Your Personal Growth with Jennifer Standish

    09/11/2023 Duration: 39min

    Are you now, or have you ever, struggled with codependency? Are you the one responsible for everything? Do you volunteer excessively, or find yourself always making sure that everyone else in your life is taken care of, even if it is to your detriment? If so, today’s guest is here to help you (or maybe someone you know) flip the script! Jennifer Standish joins me to discuss her life as the daughter of a narcissistic mother, how it shaped her life, and how learning to give yourself permission is the key to recovery. Jennifer shares:  Her plan to be the next “Chicken Soup For…” and how that turned her into a full-fledged author Although she had just graduated from college, Jennifer found herself lost and broken due to her upbringing. She knew she needed to make a change… You do not have to live by your programming How to assess and recreate your own life rules Interested in learning more on breaking the cycle of codependency? Join us now! Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it

  • THE M WORD - The Elephant in the Room that is Often Ignored with Lori Sackler

    26/10/2023 Duration: 36min

    Today on the podcast I sit down with financial advisor Lori Sackler to tackle a universal issue: money. Lori is the author of The M Word, a book that “guides readers through mindful conversations that help families communicate dispassionately about money matters through all of life’s transitions — changes in financial circumstances, remarriage and merging families, retirement, preparing heirs, and transferring wealth.” Her knowledge on this subject is substantial, and extremely needed, as she shared with us that currently there is a 70% failure rate in transferring assets across generations due to breakdowns in trust and communication. Wow! It sounds like it is time for all of us to learn how to engage in familial money conversations immediately. Lori shares:  When and why you should be having money conversations Her 5 Steps to engage in money conversations Step 1: Identify the transition you’re facing Step 2: Prepare the inner landscape Step 3: Prepare the outer landscape Step 4: Ask for help Step 5:

  • Know Your Worth with Jennifer Sukalo

    12/10/2023 Duration: 38min

    This week’s guest and I share a value that so many people unfortunately seem to lack (albeit often due to circumstances outside of their control) - self worth. Jennifer Sukalo helps clients learn to build their personal strength and resilience through her unique personal development approach, based on the acronym SWAGGER.  Jennifer’s approach focuses on:  SWAGGER: Self Worth, Appreciation, Gratitude, Grounded, Empowered, Renewed Everyone is born worthy - no conditions! The reality of our choices and the accompanying sacrifices Filling the “cracks in life” with gratitude Life is not about settling, it is about thriving We do not negotiate when it comes to our worth! And her parting advice? GOLD! Make sure to listen all the way through to hear what she has to say. Interested in learning more on building your SWAGGER? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo Transformational Expert and Author of Claim Your SWAGGER, the first of a thre

  • Creating a Website That Speaks to Your Ideal Customer with Jodi Bourne

    28/09/2023 Duration: 38min

    My guest today is a fellow teen mom turned Business Bombshell focused on business consulting, marketing and website design. Welcome Jodi Bourne! Jodi shares with us the power of a customer-centric website design, how to engage and lead your audience, and the extreme importance of its imagery. Jodi and I deep dive on website design and discuss: The unexpected gifts of being a teen mom If you are selling something, your website should engage people to take a step. Users need to know what to do next - even if that just means to learn more. The look & feel of your website is incredibly important (emphasize your brand!) Be aware of being too generic.If you are not being specific to SOMEbody, you are not being specific to ANYbody. The importance of colors and fonts - this may not mean what you think Never hold back from being YOU! Ready to learn more about fine tuning your website with a customer-centric design, allowing you to attract your ideal customer? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the webs

  • Why Brand Values Should be Ingrained in Everything Your Business Does with David O'Hearns

    14/09/2023 Duration: 37min

    I always love when I get to talk branding with other experts and discuss their unique perspective on the topic. Today’s guest did not disappoint. Davis O’Hearns, founder of Dawn Creative, joins me to discuss brand values and how they should be ingrained in everything your business does, down to the questions your receptionist asks when greeting clients. David takes us through the client journey and how to easily implement processes that reinforce your values along the way. Remember, consistency is key! David’s take on branding includes:  Your logo, colors and typography are just your visual identity - not your brand To fully develop your brand you need a purpose, values, direction, vision, behaviors and to keep a promise How to build small, easy processes into every step of the client journey to reinforce your brand values How to reverse engineer your values by first identifying what you hate The importance of carrying values through both digital and physical interactions Why your purpose should be wri

  • How to Create Bombshell Brand Names with Alexandra Watkins

    31/08/2023 Duration: 39min

    Self proclaimed Chief Executive Boss Lady, Alexandra Watkins, joins me on the podcast today to talk names. What makes a good one, what makes a not-so-good one, and what led her to this niche? Alexandra started her career as an advertising copywriter, fell in love with naming things and quickly switched gears to branding. She eventually created her own agency - Eat My Words, with clients ranging from Amazon to Xerox, and even named one of my favorite drive through guilty pleasures (before my lovely AlphaGal experience) the BACONATOR! Alexandra’s awesome naming insight includes:  How the purchase of “monkey tea” led her to a great networking opportunity early in her career When creating a great brand name, think SMILE: Suggestive, Memorable, Imagery, Legs, Emotional To test your brand name’s durability use SCRATCH: Spelling challenge, Copycat, Restrictive, Annoying, Tame, Curse of knowledge, Hard to pronounce Always aim to make names funny and relatable, thereby making them more memorable and attracting y

  • Travel is changing - are you keeping up with your guest's needs with Madison Rifkin

    17/08/2023 Duration: 36min

    This week’s podcast features serial entrepreneur, Mount founder and CEO, Madison Rifkin. Madi’s unique story, starting with her first invention at the age of 12, is quite remarkable. Today she shares with us exactly what led her to that early invention, how she transformed that idea into a full blown experience-booking platform and the lessons she learned thus far as a female CEO and founder. Madi shares her journey of:  How being a forgetful pre-teen led her to having her own patent at just 15 years old! Attending Northwestern University and developing her bike lock idea into a full-blown company COVID’s impact on her bike lock business and the pivot to an experience-based business The value of high touch experiences over networking en masse The importance of being fully authentic and confident in yourself Want to learn more about Madi’s amazing journey? I promise you will be inspired to act upon your ideas after this one! Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube!

  • Yes, You Can Innovate with Natalie Turner

    03/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    My guest this week is a total Bombshell Businesswoman with an exceptional perspective on innovation. Natalie Turner is the author of the award winning book, Yes, You Can Innovate and today she sits down with me to discuss her unique ideas and how to implement them throughout your business, no matter how big or small it may be. Some of the key points we discuss:  The 6 ‘I’s® of Innovation Identify - possibility, new opportunity Ignite - creativity, ideas Investigate - testing, prototyping, research Invest - time & attention, money and resources Implement -  the hard work Improve - review and refresh Larger corporations need to dig deep in the Identify stage as they are often stuck in Invest, Implement & Improve We ALL play a role in innovation The importance of empowering team leaders to enable their own teams to be innovative  Assessing the alignment of your purpose and your work Interested in learning about the importance of innovation and how YOU innovate? Tune in on your favorite listening app

  • Break up with your Social Media to Boost Sales & Recoup Time with Meg Casebolt

    20/07/2023 Duration: 38min

    This week’s episode features SEO strategist, and fellow 90’s music junkie, Meg Casebolt. After cutting social media almost entirely, Meg moved to a 25-hour workweek to spend more time thinking about creative and big-picture ideas for her business, as opposed to an arbitrary follower count. Meg and I discuss how driving the right people to your website is much more important than engaging with everyone on your social media. Meg and I discuss:  The expectations vs reality of social media marketing Why web copy should be written to solve a problem or answer a question Why social media is not a discovery tool, but a connection tool Knowing your audience and how they prefer to consume your content Using the Customer Awareness Spectrum Focusing on depth of searches, rather than breadth Want to learn how to still drive sales while returning social media to its rightful place as a fun refuge from your busy day to day operations? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube!

  • The Loveable Leader with Jeff Gibbard

    06/07/2023 Duration: 41min

    This week’s guest, Jeff Gibbard, dives deep into the world of leadership and what it means to be a Lovable Leader. He discusses his mission of unlocking human potential to make a positive impact on the world, and we are here for it! Jeff shares with us:  Why it is incumbent upon leaders to create places where people can thrive Why being a loveable leader is hard  How leadership is a privilege, responsibility & a burden The 3 pillars of loveable leadership: Care, Trust, & Safe Travels The Superhuman framework Want to learn more about leadership and how to create strong business relationships that last? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Jeff Gibbard Jeff Gibbard is the author of The Lovable Leader, a professional speaker, and the founder of several companies including Super Productive, and The Superhero Institute, a certification program  for coaches that want to help their clients grow revenues and unlock their potential to make a  positive impact on

  • What It’s Like to be a Female Founder (Really) with Ashley Ching

    22/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    This week I am thrilled to introduce you to my friend, Inhaven Founder & CEO Ashley Ching. After Ashley’s fourth child was born she stayed with her family in a vacation rental and yet again found herself shopping for kitchen supplies late at night to ensure she could make breakfast for her family the next morning. She was frustrated as this had become a regular occurrence and then it hit her - why not use my own experience in merchandising to solve this problem?! Ashley’s story includes:  Inhaven’s goal to create a consistent, quality experience offering various products at every budget level The importance of attending multiple events and making connections How and why she went nationwide so quickly What makes Inhaven different from the competition Her biggest fear she had to overcome to make Inhaven a reality Interested in hearing all that Ashley shares? Make sure to listen all the way through, as her parting advice is incredibly important! And here is the link to the other episode we reference about

  • No BS Self Care with Savor Beauty Founder Angela Kim

    08/06/2023 Duration: 45min

    This week’s guest, classical pianist turned beauty maven Angela Jia Kim, dives deep into the importance of self care and how it affects every aspect of our lives. We reflect on the true definition of beauty, and how caring for oneself is deeply critical to overall health and wellness, especially in the case of female entrepreneurs. Angela and I dive into numerous aspects of self care & beauty:  Spiritual skincare Our facial skin cycle Creating and maintaining radiance rituals The numerous benefits of home cooking The challenge of balancing love and business Cleansing your energy Different forms of self care, including financial wellness Intrigued by this unique view on beauty and overall self care? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Angela Kim Angela Jia Kim is the founder of Savor Beauty, a natural skincare and facial spa brand inspired by Korean beauty and self-love rituals, and a former international, classical concert pianist. Angela created the

  • Get Your Brand Story Straight with Ericka Saurit (171)

    25/05/2023 Duration: 35min

    This week’s guest shares an interest most near and dear to my heart - branding! Ericka Saurit started her journey as a brand strategist in the interior design industry where she saw a need for creatives to better express their why to clients, rather than just showing them a beautiful portfolio.  During our branding lovefest we discuss:  Where is the line between business and brand? E3 Framework Extraordinary: What is your differentiator? Emotional: Find the right people for your offerings Experience: How will you own the brand across each point of the customer journey? The importance of coming to work with a purpose You do not need to know everything, just know where to find the answers! Ready to dive into more on my favorite topic? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Ericka Saurit Ericka Saurit is a brand marketing strategist focused on helping creative entrepreneurs transform their businesses into unforgettable brands. She shows her clients how to l

  • Unlock Your Potential: How to “Nourish” Yourself to Success with Kirbee Miller (170)

    11/05/2023 Duration: 44min

    I am extremely excited to share today’s guest with all of you. Kirbee Miller is one of my closest friends on the planet and has meant so much to my becoming and my evolution. Today Kirbee shares her journey of a life changing accident and how it affected her in ways she never expected. Exhausted and burning the candle at both ends, she learned to fill her own cup, rather than “scraping the sediment from the bottom” and follow her full design.  During our discussion Kirbee shares some beautiful insights: Living the quote, “Adversity introduces a man or a woman to themselves” What does it look like to take care of myself in a real way? Every day you’ve lived up until this point has prepared you for your moment of action The ideas that come to you are on loan to you  It is a privilege and honor to embody your full design The space that you fill when you are fully you is irreplaceable  And more! Grab a notebook and be ready to rewind and repeat to gain the full impact of her wisdom! Tune in on your favor

  • How Hospitality is Using AI to Drive Marketing with Bart Sobies (169)

    27/04/2023 Duration: 45min

    This week’s guest, IT expert Bart Sobies, takes us through the process of using ChatGPT to drive marketing campaigns. He breaks down each step, making what may seem like scary, complex tech, into an easy to follow process.  Bart and I discuss:  What is ChatGPT? How to properly prompt ChatGPT to optimize your results The specific steps to follow to create multiple social media posts easily Using AI to reduce bias and emotion in writing, especially in high pressure situations How to increase your efficiency by utilizing AI Ready to jump in and start using AI to bolster your marketing? It is easier than you think! Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the website, or watch it on YouTube! About Bart Sobies Bart Sobies, an up and coming leader in the tourism space is the founder of The Accommodation Show & iBooked.Online. A serial entrepreneur, having started his first online business at the age of 15, he is an ardent pursuer of all things tech, marketing and investment. Bart has been at the helm o

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