Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Creating a Website That Speaks to Your Ideal Customer with Jodi Bourne



My guest today is a fellow teen mom turned Business Bombshell focused on business consulting, marketing and website design. Welcome Jodi Bourne! Jodi shares with us the power of a customer-centric website design, how to engage and lead your audience, and the extreme importance of its imagery. Jodi and I deep dive on website design and discuss: The unexpected gifts of being a teen mom If you are selling something, your website should engage people to take a step. Users need to know what to do next - even if that just means to learn more. The look & feel of your website is incredibly important (emphasize your brand!) Be aware of being too generic.If you are not being specific to SOMEbody, you are not being specific to ANYbody. The importance of colors and fonts - this may not mean what you think Never hold back from being YOU! Ready to learn more about fine tuning your website with a customer-centric design, allowing you to attract your ideal customer? Tune in on your favorite listening app, on the webs