Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Set New Year Intentions for 2024 & What to Leave Behind in 2023 (186)



It’s time to ditch the New Year’s resolutions and instead approach 2024 with a strategic vision for success. This is one of my favorite times of year simply because I get excited about moving my life, my capacity for joy and abundance, and my own personal journey forward with a fresh starting line! Year after year, I focus my intentions on a small handful of things I want to experience in the coming year rather than trying to boil the ocean and then feeling like a failure when I don’t. There’s a better way. In this episode, you will learn about my annual personal growth strategies that involve a bougie annual visioning retreat. (Of course.) This carefully curated time includes determining five things to add in 2024 for a successful year and five things to leave behind in 2023 to make room for all the good that could take up that space in my life. Through this process, you will naturally find the most important things to add to your vision board, will have the structure to create your personal goals and career