Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

How to Create Bombshell Brand Names with Alexandra Watkins



Self proclaimed Chief Executive Boss Lady, Alexandra Watkins, joins me on the podcast today to talk names. What makes a good one, what makes a not-so-good one, and what led her to this niche? Alexandra started her career as an advertising copywriter, fell in love with naming things and quickly switched gears to branding. She eventually created her own agency - Eat My Words, with clients ranging from Amazon to Xerox, and even named one of my favorite drive through guilty pleasures (before my lovely AlphaGal experience) the BACONATOR! Alexandra’s awesome naming insight includes:  How the purchase of “monkey tea” led her to a great networking opportunity early in her career When creating a great brand name, think SMILE: Suggestive, Memorable, Imagery, Legs, Emotional To test your brand name’s durability use SCRATCH: Spelling challenge, Copycat, Restrictive, Annoying, Tame, Curse of knowledge, Hard to pronounce Always aim to make names funny and relatable, thereby making them more memorable and attracting y