Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 243:43:02
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Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Time just for you to attune to the guidance of your heart and soul & tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom. Christine Arylo shares spiritual wisdom and self love guidance modified for modern life. Invoking, Provoking & Elevating. Use this time to keep your life aligned.


  • 36 Mother Love: The Kind of Love that Can Hold You Through Transition (replay)

    09/05/2021 Duration: 45min

    Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE which I recorded in 2017, and the wisdom still stands... and the message still so needed for us all to hear, contemplate and put into practical action.  Mother Love is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother.  And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time.... Next week we will start our three part series on how we can tap into and focus our feminine creative power to birth, make and co create the world we desire to live in. For now, soak in the Mother Love. Much love to you xoxo Christine  "THERE IS A GREAT

  • 154: Embrace Your Power To Create the World You Desire to Live In (5th Anniversary Episode)

    04/05/2021 Duration: 55min

    I am so over the moon thrilled to be able to mark this point of the Feminine Power Time podcast with you - 5 years - with 5 being a number that signifies transformation. Which is the time we are in!  I have been contemplating for the past few weeks what this episode should focus on, how it can support you during this transformational times and how Feminine Power Time can be a structure, support and space for you. The center point of Feminine Power Time has always been about embracing our power to create the world we desire to live in. For ourselves. For those we love, lead and influence. For what matters to you in this world.  It's my response to breaking through what keeps us from access our full wisdom and power.  It's a space I create for you to come weekly to turn off the chaos or chatter of the outside world, to more deeply tune into what is true and real and aligned for you.  It's a playground and a gathering place for us to explore different ways of being, living, leading and succeeding. Whether you ju

  • 153: Sustainable Soul-Aligned Success: How Do We "Do" It (#3 of 3)

    18/04/2021 Duration: 50min

    Sustainable success. Soul-aligned life. That can sound like self help mumbo jumbo. Wishful thinking. Buzzwords. Or like, sure I will get around to that when I am not so overwhelmed just trying to deal with my current reality. Add to that, that we are so conditioned by this over-culture to look for the quick fix, or the promise of some nirvana, and it's obvious why the levels of depression, anxiety, doubt, stress, fatigue, and burnout have gone up not down in the last four decades.  Which is why in this third episode, we are going to get real about what it really means to CHOOSE to live a soul-aligned, sustainable life, in all areas of our lives, including how we work, run businesses, choose projects and make choices.  Sustainable success and a soul aligned life is not a goal you achieve and mark off the list as complete.  It is a path, a practice and a choice. It is the how you co-create and cultivate this a reality in which you: Achieve the impact you desire Receive the sustainability and support you need 

  • 152: Saying No More to Taking More On (#2 of 3 in Soul Aligned Sustainable Success Series)

    11/04/2021 Duration: 43min

    If we just keep taking more on - in our work, in our relationships, and world - we will burn out, get sick and not have the impact we desire to make, nor receive the lives our hearts and souls crave. But we can't help ourselves - most of us feel over stretched and over whelmed because we keep taking more on, as if it's our only choice. Something has to give, and this time, it cannot be you. In this episode of Feminine Power Time: #2 of 3 in our Soul Aligned Sustainable Success, Christine Arylo, author of Overwhelmed and Over It! takes us into a conversation that will: Illuminate the systemic and social realities that have created a culture - in our society, in our organizations and in our families - that always demands more.  The hub of the systemic distortions around how we value growth and success that have gotten imprinted into we approach and think about our relationships, work and choices.  Why in the 50 + years working women have been in the workforce, we are more stressed not less. Wisdom Byte: The s

  • 4 Must-Knows to Making Soul Aligned Choices (#1 of 3 in Soul-Aligned Sustainable Success Series)

    05/04/2021 Duration: 40min

    You can do and be anything. And you to have to make choices. Our choices day to day and in big life decisions create our reality. But how do you make sure that the choices you are making daily and in big life design, career path, financial, relationship are actually 'in alignment' for you? In alignment with your heart and soul, not just your ego? And why does this matter?  What I've learned in the decade plus I've been researching the root causes of burnout, overwhelm, self sacrifice and the rise in depression and disease within women, one thing I found was this: No matter how educated or smart, most women did not receive the wisdom, training or education we needed to make soul-aligned, supportive choices, that keep us rooted in our personal truth, innate wisdom and internal self-worth.  So we end up creating realities in how we work, design our relationships and lives that are not truly in alignment with what feels aligned and in harmony - which has so many implications and so much wisdom that you'll just ha

  • Power Pause: 4 Inquiries To Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead

    22/03/2021 Duration: 43min

    Join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time, 4 Inquiries to Get Your Habits and Choices into Harmony for the Months Ahead. One of the four Power Pauses she shares each year, this one focused on what wise leaders and people do: 1. Illuminate the imbalances in the different realms of your life - so they don't become drama, disease, disaster and distress  2. Shift habits and patterns in your daily life that might have been aligned before, but need to shift as you head into this next cycle  3. Focus on and committ to the intentions, projects, relationships that are ready and ripe to grow and prosper  4. Set a new rhythm for your day and week that supports and sustains where you are now, and what you are creating and managing these next three months, into June Solstice.  When you pause at near the equinoxes and solstices, your internal rhythm aligns with the natural rhythm... you gain the power to reset habits that might have been okay in months prior but need a shift. And you gain clarity on how to focus yo

  • 150: Making the Planet Personal (#3 of 3 in Redefining Our Relationships Series)

    14/03/2021 Duration: 39min

    If you and I change how we think about our relationship with the planet, we will find a lot of power and wisdom to make positive change in simple but profound ways. In the last of our three part series on redefining our relationships, we dive into our relationship with the planet... which can sound kind of vast, and esoteric, but I can promise is you is indeed profound. It really is often the subtle places - if you know where to look and what inquiries to make bring you the most powerful shifts. Both in your larger perspective that guides your bigger life choices and in the practical everyday and how you feel within your life during this intense time on the planet. Join me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, author and teacher, for this episode of Feminine Power Time: Making the Planet Personal. What is Your Relationship to the Planet? Just that question alone is a mind shifter and consciousness elevator ... my relationship with the planet... hmmm, what would become possible if you were intentional

  • 149: Shift Your Relationships So They Work for You (2 of 3 in Redesigning Our Relationships Series)

    06/03/2021 Duration: 51min

    Our relationships with other people are some of our greatest joys and challenges ... they stretch us in so many different ways... they are teachers, catalysts, and initiators. And by nature, they change over time. When we are in relationship to our relationships, we gain the power to make shifts in them before they become sources of drama, distress, and dis-ease. But let's be honest, most of us spent more time in our education learning math and memorizing facts we will never us, and not enough time on what it looks like to be a human who knows how to maintain, nurture and grow healthy relationships. Let alone how to have the kinds of courageous and compassionate connections and conversations that are needed to navigate the emotional terrain of our relationships with each other.  While I could do a whole separate podcast on relationships, and maybe I will someday, I decided to focus this episode of Feminine Power Time #149 of "How to Shift Your Relationships so They Work For You."  And I invited the man who t

  • 148: Pace Don’t Push: A Wiser Way to Achieve and Succeed

    27/02/2021 Duration: 48min

    Driving, striving, grinding is not the only way to succeed, achieve and live. Pushing to deadlines - ours and others - that make us sick and stressed out is not the only way to be productive and get stuff done. It’s just how we’ve be trained to work, nose to the grindstone, climbing mountains, giving it our all until there’s nothing left. But what if there was a different way? A wise way? One that created realties in which what really mattered got done … where we had space to breathe and savor our efforts and every day lives … where people were treated as human beings not machines ... and we motivated ourselves by energized inspiration instead of toxic pressure? This reality is not a fairy tale. It is a possibility. It is a perspective shift on productivity that empowers you to redefine success. And it is a practice - one that if you are brave enough to implement it in your work, career, projects, relationships and expectations will lead you to a lot more freedom, fulfillment and impact, because you are focus

  • 147: The Four Parts of Self: Knowing How Your Whole Self Works (#1 of 3 in series)

    14/02/2021 Duration: 55min

    It  may not sound sexy - the Four Parts of Self - but that doesn't mean it's not super powered.  In traditional schooling and training, we learn to over focus on the mind. In our society, we talk about mental wellness and physical wellness, but what about emotional and soul wellness? We read and hear about body, mind and spirit ... but what about the heart? Did you ever wonder why the heart gets left out?  The models we use for understanding our selves, which drive how connected we feel and which ultimately create the perspectives and reality we live are lacking the full circle of what makes us whole humans - body, mind, heart and soul.  The foundation of leadership and creating the world we wish to see starts with the relationship we have with our selves.   So today in #1 of 3 of a Feminine Power Series: Redefining Our Relationships: The Four Parts of Self, Knowing How Your Whole Self Works, we dive into re-defining our understanding the Self...through these four parts and the relationship they have with eac

  • Wise Woman Tea: Perspective for Thriving In Intense Times with Earth Wisdom Teacher Pele Rouge

    05/02/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    Join me and one of my beloved mentors and teachers, Pele Rouge, for a "wise woman tea," where we bring the teachings of Earth Wisdom forward to give us a perspective on how to be and move through these intense times so we can thrive, heal, expand and elevate. Some of what we'll dive into in this session of Feminine Power Time is what earth wisdom is how can these teachings and it tools can help us now. Some inquiries that emerged and we'll explore through the eyes of earth wisdom is: What does it mean to be human? What are the basic rights of humans that honor people and planet? And how does that relate to what is really going on now on the planet? And the structures needed to lead us forward? How do we BE in relationship with Self, Each Other and Earth? What Divine Laws exist to guide us to follow and create a better life?  What is the earth trying to show us? What would be wise to pay attention to?  What is the path to getting into alignment with yourself? How do we get in right relationship with ourselves

  • 146: Stay Focused on What Matters this Year: 6 Super-Powered Inquiries to Illuminate Your Path

    23/01/2021 Duration: 01h58s

    There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or heck maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Wisdom teaches us to use the power of inquiry to consider the path before moving into action. Not so we can have it all figured out like an agenda or project plan. But so we can be clear on our intentions, be connected to what's really in right timing, and to see what we can't see with our eyes but can sense with our deeper intuitive knowing ... if we slow down to listen.  Every year I do a episode that takes us through 6 super powered inquires that I'm feeling would serve us to consider - so we can stay focused on what truly matters, create the realities for ourselves and the world that align with our deeper truth and desires, and realize sustainable success.  Six is the number that creates harmony. Every year the inquires are different. Because every year, we need differently inquiries to lead us to the possibilities we haven't even considered with our limited - often fear

  • 145: Feminine Wisdom for Navigating the Year Ahead with Grace & Gumption

    16/01/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly on the crescent moon, a moon about accessing deeper our deeper intuitive knowing from a place of stillness. It's also the "wolf moon" - the wolf being a symbol of free untamed feminine power, the teacher who guides through action, and the need for our packs and time to play. I’ve been thinking of you all for two weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode. This year I added... with Grace & Gumption (because we will need both!) After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out. Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead,  - 2021, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’

  • 144: A Different Way to Start Your Year & Set Your Goals

    04/01/2021 Duration: 58min

    There are big misunderstandings in our culture about visioning, goal setting & achieving that stem from a "go, go , go, work hard, stay busy" mindset that many of us have been trained to operate from.... which honestly set us up for more pressure, overwhelm and self-criticism vs. true, sustainable success. Even in teachings you hear about manifestation, the law of attraction and vision board - there's significant distortions that can lead you to creating realities, careers, businesses, lifestyles that are unsustainable... keeping you working hard & so busy, but not feeling sustained or successful. There is a different way to dream + succeed. That's what we'll explore & share together in the next three episodes, focused on supporting you to see the unsupportive ways you've been taught to approach goal setting and the start of the year... and reveal some other ways to think about and approach this year, so you really do FEEL successful and sustained at the end of the year. In this first of the thr

  • POWER PAUSE: 3 Inquiries to Help You Complete the Year Feeling Clear

    13/12/2020 Duration: 42min

    Would you like to start the new year feeling clear - mentally & emotionally? Like your physical space to feel clear and coherent? Like to be free of some of the relationship drama or distress in your personal or professional relationships? And how would it feel to have more space in the last few weeks of this year and the first few weeks of next year?  Of course our answers to this are YES! Starting the new year clear is not just a nice to have - it's what any wise person would do. But how do you 'do' that?  You put into place simple but mighty practices that empower to you make choices that lead to you working and living and feeling in the f.l.o.w. (Focusing Lifeforce On What matters. The practice we'll dive into today is called a Power Pause and uses the wisdom tool of 'intuitive thinking inquiries' that reveal insights you miss if you only operate from your mental mind.   In this episode of Feminine Power Time: a Power Pause:  3 Inquiries to Help You Complete the Year Feeling Clear, I will share the FL

  • 142: Feminine Wisdom for Completing An Intense and Wild Year

    05/12/2020 Duration: 50min

    Wisdom teaches us that how you end a year influences how you start the next. Which is why every year at this time, I pause to tap into feminine wisdom to ask what do we need to see, what do we need to hear, and what do we need to consider as we walk through these weeks ahead. So that you and I can complete this year in a way that enables and empowers us to be as replenished, radiant, rested, centered and clear as possible.  Not to hit the ground running in Jan, but to be wise and centered enough to allow ourselves the space we will still need and desire.  Even if you feel like you have had plenty of 'space' this year, there is wisdom to share. Join me for this episode of Feminine Power Time: Feminine Wisdom for Completing an Intense and Wild Year where I invited the wisdom for what we needed to hear to flow through. In addition to the wisdom that flowed, I'll share: A simple year end Harmonizing Practice I do every year that helps me make sustaining vs. sabotaging choices Another practice for getting clear

  • 141: Grief, Grumpy & Gratitude: How to Be With All 3 to Tap Into Deeper Wisdom & Personal Freedom

    27/11/2020 Duration: 46min

    It is human nature to have grief - when we lose things, things change, or we look around at the state of our lives and world and don't know what to do. It's also natural to feel grumpy and frustrated about things not working out the way we want, to have anger. What's not natural - or healthy, healing or empowering - is how we have been taught as human to be with and release the grief or grumpiness.  I believe we NEED to re-learn how to be with these very natural feelings, in our personal lives and relationships and in our collective society, it's part of the key to our own personal wholeness and wellbeing AND to us healing the collective societal separations. But how do you do that? Well, join me, Christine Arylo, for this Feminine Power Time: Grief, Grumpy and Gratitude: How to be with all 3 to tap into deeper wisdom and personal freedom. Where I will walk us through a process that helps you tap into each of these 3 feelings that your human heart and human body is no doubt feeling. Wisdom: Only once we can a

  • WISE WOMAN TEA: Perspective for Thriving in Intense Times with Astrologer Leslie McGuirk

    20/11/2020 Duration: 56min

    Welcome to our first Wise Woman Tea episode, where I invite you into a conversation with one of my dear wise woman soul sisters - women who have attained a level of adeptness in a specific area that I believe can support each of us to tap into our own intuitive knowing, co-creative power, and higher intelligence. Often these areas are poo-poo'd or woo' woo'd away - discounting their significance to the 'real world' or to our practical needs or to what is relevant to topics like business, leadership and activism.  When the truth is, these wise woman skills, arts, knowings and practices empower us to see and find what's real beyond the screen the mainstream overculture would like us to tune into.  In my experience, the distrust or skepticism we have, or the lack of focus we put in these areas, is part of where we leak and diminish our power.  When we embrace these wisdom teachings, skills, practices and arts and explore them with curiosity, we often are invited into a wealth of wisdom and new possibility we wer

  • 139: Making Choices That Are Right for You Now: #3 of 3 in Embracing Our Power Series

    13/11/2020 Duration: 43min

    The choices we make in our every day for how we direct and give our energy, our resources, our time and money all add up to having a significant impact on you ... but most of us don't really see how these simple decisions are the drivers underneath us feeling stretched too thin, or not being focused on what matters, or just getting swirled up in the world. Which is why we are doing this podcast series! So your can be more aware of what's going on within you and with your choices ... so you can be empowered to make choices that are creating the reality you desire for yourself, those you love and lead and this world.  Join me for #3 of 3 in our series called Embracing Our Power. This episode of Feminine Power Time focused on "Making Choices that are Right for you Now". I'll pull back the veil on how this is showing up in my life now, to hopefully help you see what is in alignment and not in alignment for you right now. Then we'll look at how you might be feeling and filling a need out there in your work or rel

  • 138: Embracing Our Power: Wielding Your Super Power of Crazy Wisdom (#2of 3)

    30/10/2020 Duration: 46min

    Within you is the courage and the clarity to make choices that are right for you - that cut through the chaos - that come from the deep feminine wisdom within you willing to shake up the status quo to stay true to yourself ... choices that may seem crazy to others but that will keep YOU sustained, on your path, supported with what you need.  I call this the Feminine Super Power of Crazy Wisdom. And every year at this time, I bring it back up for us to work with. Because as it turns out Crazy Wisdom is Crazy Powerful. It gives you the courage and clarity to make different choices, that may defy logic. It's not reckless, it is rooted in the deep intuitive place within you that knows what is right, real and aligned for you. And now more than ever we need this super power.  I'll share the full definition of Crazy Wisdom in this episode of Feminine Power Time #2 of 3 in our Embracing Our Power series...  And I'll share more about how your intellect and intuition work together to access your deeper wisdom... ho

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