Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

4 Must-Knows to Making Soul Aligned Choices (#1 of 3 in Soul-Aligned Sustainable Success Series)



You can do and be anything. And you to have to make choices. Our choices day to day and in big life decisions create our reality. But how do you make sure that the choices you are making daily and in big life design, career path, financial, relationship are actually 'in alignment' for you? In alignment with your heart and soul, not just your ego? And why does this matter?  What I've learned in the decade plus I've been researching the root causes of burnout, overwhelm, self sacrifice and the rise in depression and disease within women, one thing I found was this: No matter how educated or smart, most women did not receive the wisdom, training or education we needed to make soul-aligned, supportive choices, that keep us rooted in our personal truth, innate wisdom and internal self-worth.  So we end up creating realities in how we work, design our relationships and lives that are not truly in alignment with what feels aligned and in harmony - which has so many implications and so much wisdom that you'll just ha