Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

148: Pace Don’t Push: A Wiser Way to Achieve and Succeed



Driving, striving, grinding is not the only way to succeed, achieve and live. Pushing to deadlines - ours and others - that make us sick and stressed out is not the only way to be productive and get stuff done. It’s just how we’ve be trained to work, nose to the grindstone, climbing mountains, giving it our all until there’s nothing left. But what if there was a different way? A wise way? One that created realties in which what really mattered got done … where we had space to breathe and savor our efforts and every day lives … where people were treated as human beings not machines ... and we motivated ourselves by energized inspiration instead of toxic pressure? This reality is not a fairy tale. It is a possibility. It is a perspective shift on productivity that empowers you to redefine success. And it is a practice - one that if you are brave enough to implement it in your work, career, projects, relationships and expectations will lead you to a lot more freedom, fulfillment and impact, because you are focus