Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

WISE WOMAN TEA: Perspective for Thriving in Intense Times with Astrologer Leslie McGuirk



Welcome to our first Wise Woman Tea episode, where I invite you into a conversation with one of my dear wise woman soul sisters - women who have attained a level of adeptness in a specific area that I believe can support each of us to tap into our own intuitive knowing, co-creative power, and higher intelligence. Often these areas are poo-poo'd or woo' woo'd away - discounting their significance to the 'real world' or to our practical needs or to what is relevant to topics like business, leadership and activism.  When the truth is, these wise woman skills, arts, knowings and practices empower us to see and find what's real beyond the screen the mainstream overculture would like us to tune into.  In my experience, the distrust or skepticism we have, or the lack of focus we put in these areas, is part of where we leak and diminish our power.  When we embrace these wisdom teachings, skills, practices and arts and explore them with curiosity, we often are invited into a wealth of wisdom and new possibility we wer