Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

141: Grief, Grumpy & Gratitude: How to Be With All 3 to Tap Into Deeper Wisdom & Personal Freedom



It is human nature to have grief - when we lose things, things change, or we look around at the state of our lives and world and don't know what to do. It's also natural to feel grumpy and frustrated about things not working out the way we want, to have anger. What's not natural - or healthy, healing or empowering - is how we have been taught as human to be with and release the grief or grumpiness.  I believe we NEED to re-learn how to be with these very natural feelings, in our personal lives and relationships and in our collective society, it's part of the key to our own personal wholeness and wellbeing AND to us healing the collective societal separations. But how do you do that? Well, join me, Christine Arylo, for this Feminine Power Time: Grief, Grumpy and Gratitude: How to be with all 3 to tap into deeper wisdom and personal freedom. Where I will walk us through a process that helps you tap into each of these 3 feelings that your human heart and human body is no doubt feeling. Wisdom: Only once we can a