Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

149: Shift Your Relationships So They Work for You (2 of 3 in Redesigning Our Relationships Series)



Our relationships with other people are some of our greatest joys and challenges ... they stretch us in so many different ways... they are teachers, catalysts, and initiators. And by nature, they change over time. When we are in relationship to our relationships, we gain the power to make shifts in them before they become sources of drama, distress, and dis-ease. But let's be honest, most of us spent more time in our education learning math and memorizing facts we will never us, and not enough time on what it looks like to be a human who knows how to maintain, nurture and grow healthy relationships. Let alone how to have the kinds of courageous and compassionate connections and conversations that are needed to navigate the emotional terrain of our relationships with each other.  While I could do a whole separate podcast on relationships, and maybe I will someday, I decided to focus this episode of Feminine Power Time #149 of "How to Shift Your Relationships so They Work For You."  And I invited the man who t