Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

POWER PAUSE: 3 Inquiries to Help You Complete the Year Feeling Clear



Would you like to start the new year feeling clear - mentally & emotionally? Like your physical space to feel clear and coherent? Like to be free of some of the relationship drama or distress in your personal or professional relationships? And how would it feel to have more space in the last few weeks of this year and the first few weeks of next year?  Of course our answers to this are YES! Starting the new year clear is not just a nice to have - it's what any wise person would do. But how do you 'do' that?  You put into place simple but mighty practices that empower to you make choices that lead to you working and living and feeling in the f.l.o.w. (Focusing Lifeforce On What matters. The practice we'll dive into today is called a Power Pause and uses the wisdom tool of 'intuitive thinking inquiries' that reveal insights you miss if you only operate from your mental mind.   In this episode of Feminine Power Time: a Power Pause:  3 Inquiries to Help You Complete the Year Feeling Clear, I will share the FL