Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. With Melissa Radke



My moms King Ranch Chicken casserole. My small hometown in East Texas. My eleventh grade choir teacher. Know what all of these things have in common? None of them are famous. None have been written about or sung about or reported on. You might call them ordinary. Welcome to Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. Where we talk about all the things that we see and touch and fear and feel and eat and hope for - every day. Because thats what life is, you know? Its one miracle after another - we just get so used to seeing them...we call them ordinary. THE WORLD IS A SERIES OF MIRACLES. BUT WERE SO USED TO SEEING THEM WE JUST CALL THEM ORDINARY THINGS." - Hans Christian Anderson


  • Bonus Episode: Breakthrough

    18/04/2019 Duration: 37min

    This week you'll have the opportunity to go see Breakthrough. It's the real life story of John Smith who fell into a frozen lake and was submerged for 15 minutes. After countless tries to start his heart, John died on the operating table, but everything changed when his mom walked in the room. Breakthrough is the true story of a modern day miracle. I am so excited to talk with Devon Franklin who produced the movie. Devon is a film & TV producer, best-selling author, preacher, and spiritual success coach. You may have seen some of his other movies like Miracles from Heaven or Heaven Is for Real. Jason Noble is the real life Pastor of John Smith and is played by Topher Grace in the movie. Jason shares his first hand account of the miracle he witnessed and was a part of. We also talk about the movie, miracles, God, faith, and trials of being a pastor. I also get to ask a few questions about what went on behind the scenes. Show Notes [03:37] Melissa got to see a preview of breakthrough, and it was so beautif

  • Soul Little Issues, Soul Little Time

    16/04/2019 Duration: 24min

    It’s time for the third part to the body, mind, and soul series. I kicked off this season working on my body. I’ve even lost 25 pounds. It’s not a fast pace, but I’m keeping at it. In the second section of the podcast it was all about the MIND. This was received really well. I wage a war with my mind every single day of my life. I've done a lot of prayer, listening, and counseling, so that I run my MIND now. Sometimes people don’t like to talk about the soul, but the mind, body, and soul are all interconnected. We can’t improve one without improving the other. God made us with this body, soul, mind combination. To have one is to have them all. Maybe people shy away from talking about the soul, because they don’t want to talk about God. Maybe spirituality is too controversial. On this episode, I share some of the investigative work that I have put into the soul as we kick off this new part of the series. Show Notes [05:43] Some people believe in a trichotomous view. Which means we are made up of three parts b

  • LandMINDS In Marriage

    09/04/2019 Duration: 51min

    One of the things I've heard a lot about last season was that you guys loved it when the Attorney General was on the show. This is an episode featuring David Radke during our MIND series. So of course, this show is titled LandMINDS In Marriage.  This is an appropriate topic because we get a lot of questions about our marriage. We have both been very open and vulnerable about our relationship. Today, we are going to talk about some of the landmines in our own marriage. We are going to share five things that are sore topics or maybe things that we have learned in our marriage. It’s funny, because some of the conventional wisdom and advice doesn’t always apply. We have found five things that enable us to avoid a fight, diffuse a situation, or eventually get past whatever the problem was. We hope you enjoy this little glimpse into our marriage and our lives. Show Notes [02:13] The other night we were racing home to get our kids. We passed Kingwood, and David wanted to go to Culver's and I didn't. I suggested we

  • Minding Our Own Business

    02/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    I had a wonderful beautiful childhood, and I feel really blessed and fortunate to be able to say that. I was an only child for most of my life. I was very close to my parents, and I felt very safe in my home. I know that's not the story for everyone. It's always bothered me and maybe even made me feel a little bit guilty. I want everyone's childhood to be perfect and rosy and without trauma. Now that I'm a parent, I know that we never get it all right. At this point, most of us are aware of our parents misgivings. A few months ago, I attended a class on childhood trauma. I wasn't even sure if this class was going to be for me. A great communicator can draw you in whether the topic specifically pertains to you or not. That's what Carlos Martinez did that day. He was such a great teacher that I hung on every word. Carlos is here today to talk about childhood trauma, forgiveness, and more. Before listening to this episode, we recommend that you watch this TED Talk about adverse childhood experiences. You can fin

  • Mind Your Manners

    26/03/2019 Duration: 54min

    Diane Gottsman is a national etiquette expert. She is the owner of a company that specializes in corporate etiquette training. She is the author of Modern Etiquette for a Better Life. She has appeared on The Today Show, Headline News, CBS Sunday Morning, and in the New York Times. She is also poised, beautiful, smart, and so well-spoken. I was nervous about having an etiquette expert like Diane on the show today, but she put me at ease. Diane teaches that etiquette is about mind and soul, and that they are connected. She believes that etiquette is about putting other people at ease, and that's what she did with me. She also answered my questions with such grace and wisdom that I loved this episode. Diane shares insights about life we all need to keep in mind. This interview wasn’t what I had expected, but it is filled with actionable knowledge we can all use. You can find Diane here: Diane Gottsman Website Diane Gottsman on Instagram Diane Gottsman on Facebook dg@psotx.com Show Notes [02:45] Diane is in San

  • Mind Made Up

    19/03/2019 Duration: 54min

    I love today’s guest. My friend Ashley Berry is a life coach, entrepreneur, cancer survivor, mom, foster mom, and woman of strength and wisdom. She loves and touches everyone she comes into contact with. Ashley is passionate about coaching and seeing lives changed for the better. She has overcome breast cancer and many other obstacles in life and is a pure inspiration. She also proves God's love even in times of uncertainty. In this episode, we have a no holds barred conversation about life, love, and parenting. Ashley shares her perspective on today’s society and culture and gives some wonderful ways that we can all make our world better. She lives by example and cares for everyone she meets. We talk about men, raising children, respecting each other, and how Ashley turned her breast cancer journey into the inspiration to start a nonprofit to help others in need. You can find Ashley here: Living ZoeInstagram:  @ zoecoachingFacebook:  @livingzoecoachingashley@livingzoe.net Show Notes [07:20] Ashley was datin

  • Mind Over Mother

    12/03/2019 Duration: 50min

    We miss so many good opportunities, because we won't walk across the room. I was at the same conference as Nicole, and I asked what brought her here. She said that she's a mom of four and two of her children are almost grown and two of her children are still at home, and she has been looking at her life and thinking what's next. Do you ever wonder what's next for you? Are you ever looking for something more? Nicole Botha is excited by travel. She is an experience seeker. She loves yarn and is intrigued by diversity. She finds authenticity stimulating and suburbia frustrating. She is a feeler and an introvert. She is moved by heart connections, and she thinks kindness is sexy. She is here to today to discuss what it means to want something more and how to find that something. You can find Nicole here: Nicole on Instagram: @niccishoo niccishoo@gmail.com Show Notes [03:34] Nicole is on the East Coast of South Africa. [04:07] South Africa celebrates Christmas, but the weather is different. Her family took a roa

  • Minding the Pain With Stefanie Boyce

    05/03/2019 Duration: 57min

    When I'm with my friends we like to talk about hair, fashion, or whether keto even really works. We also talk about serious things. We rarely dive into the topic of grief. This is weird because we all grieve. Within my set of friends there is one whose marriage is ending, there is one who has buried a child, there are three or four who have buried a parent, had to file bankruptcy, and a few have checked a loved one into rehab. Grief is this thing that we all have in common, yet we don't talk about it. Why? We don't talk about grief, because grief is a party crasher. We touch on it briefly. We know it's not going away. It's cracks will be with us forever. Grief will always be a part of our lives, so we might as well learn a little bit about it. This is where my friend Stefanie comes in. My guest today is Stefanie Boyce. Stefanie is a speaker, writer, bible study teacher, wife, mother of 3 (two who are at home and one with Jesus). She is currently journeying from Type A to Plan B. You can find Stefanie here: St

  • To Mind Own Self Be True

    26/02/2019 Duration: 34min

    2019 is about body, mind, and soul. These three topics are connected within all of us, because you can’t change one without affecting the other. I am so excited to focus on these topics. I know in 2020, when I look back at this year, I will see a healthier, happier, more hopeful me. The first few weeks of this podcast were focused on the body. Now it’s time to focus on the mind. This is a very special and personal topic for me. For years, I was a victim to my own thoughts. What we think about is what we become. This topic is so important that I recorded this episode, thought about it for a week, and then did it all over again. This is a topic that I have lived and can speak about from the heart. In this episode, I talk about retraining our minds, not believing lies others tell us, not believing lies we tell ourselves, and what a difference our thoughts can make in our lives. This topic is so important to me that I’m even creating a course around it. You can find Melissa here: Podcast Web Page Facebook Page @M

  • Bodylicious

    19/02/2019 Duration: 43min

    Theresa Grecco has been one of my closest friends for 20 years. Theresa recently bought a practice from a woman who is retiring. Her business is killing it, and she has clients who are raving about her. I've been a little curious and have been wanting to see what she does. I flew to Nashville, where Theresa lives and works, to try it for myself. I even recorded it for you. In case you're wondering,Theresa is a colon hydrotherapist. I know you're thinking that this isn't the type of therapy that you thought I needed. The reason I'm sharing this experience is because everyone I told about this said they wanted to know more. What you’re about to hear can't be glossed over. It can't be called anything other than what it is. I'll be giving you a first-hand account of what happens when you hop on the table and take your friendship to a whole new level. You can find Theresa here: The Body Benefit The Body Benefit on Facebook Show Notes [05:55] Water has started going in. [06:56] Now it is being increased to releas

  • I Thought It Was TreadMEAL

    12/02/2019 Duration: 53min

    How can we dedicate this season to the body and not talk about working out? You know me. You know I don't want to talk about this, but today is the day. The one and only Casey Adams is here today. Casey is the perfect guest for this show, because he takes ordinary people and moves them out of their comfort zone and into great held. Casey is a gym owner, personal trainer, and future Ninja. He is a father of three and husband to a beautiful wife, and they share a strong love for Jesus. He is an adventure seeking, fun loving, and funny guy. He is also fond of his large, crazy sock collection. You can find Casey here: Casey Adams on Instagram Fitt Life on Facebook Fitt Life Gym3116 S. John Redditt Dr.Lufkin TX 75904 Show Notes [03:17] David Radke is also here with Casey. [04:20] Melissa and her cousin were both in one of Casey's spin classes. [06:16] David met Casey when he used to work out regularly. [07:26] Casey's gym is split into three sections.Upfront they have cardio and weights with a kids section on the

  • Breaking Bread and Bad Habits with Amy Reinecke

    05/02/2019 Duration: 51min

    I had Amy on the show last season. Amy has a beautiful story where she lost over 100 pounds on Weight Watchers. I loved Amy since the moment I met her, but what happened after the interview was intriguing. She told me that she was moving away from Weight Watchers, and that she was learning a new way of eating that allowed her to live happy and free. This entire season is on body and soul, so Amy is the perfect guest to have back on the show. She struggled for years with poor body image and binge eating disorder. Amy is now sharing her journey with others in hopes of offering hope that our darkest days make us stronger and that God always has a bigger plan. She shares her journey as it ebbs and flows with healthy living, motherhood and faith. You can find Amy here: Beautifully Broken JourneyAmy Reinecke on Facebook Amy Reinecke on Instagrambeautifullybrokenjourney@gmail.com Show Notes [05:07] At the last show, Amy wished she could get pregnant again, and she is now 23 weeks along. She has two boys and is supe

  • Odd(ly) Enough

    29/01/2019 Duration: 37min

    Sometimes when we see a funny video that makes us laugh, we don't bother to take into account that there is a real person behind that video. When we read a book, sometimes we forget that a real person poured their heart and soul into that book. Some people think that I am in the business of social media, or a speaker, or an author. I am really in the business of people. The business of hearing their stories and telling my story. I am in the business of convincing people that their story is powerful and purposeful. My guest today has a powerful story. CA Miljavac is someone who I discovered by watching one of her hilarious videos. I then got to know her and realized that there is so much more to her than her fun videos. I learned that CA stands for Carol Ann and that her story doesn’t match her videos. You can find CA here: CA MiljavacCA Miljavac on FacebookCA Miljavac on InstagramOdd(ly) Enough: Standing Out When the World Begs You To Fit InCA’s Initial Viral VideoHow have I been cleaning all day and NOTHING

  • Body Talk II…

    22/01/2019 Duration: 57min

    This episode is for adults only. If your little ones are in the car put their headphones on them. Listen to this episode first before listening to it with your teenager. Katherine Diggs was my guest last season on episode 15. I wasn't going to have her back. She talked about oral sex, and the show made me sweat, but everybody loved her. Katherine is a genuinely nice person and a wonderful podcast guest. You can ask her questions about anything and she'll answer. She is also extremely smart. Katherine Diggs is a nurse practitioner who specializes in all things female. She is here today to talk about us, our health, teens and sex. You can find Melissa here: Podcast Web Page Facebook Page @MsMelissaRadke on Instagram @msmelissaradke on Twitter Show Notes [03:14] Katherine and I go to the same church, and we both feel called to the world. [04:59] Sex is like the economy when the price of it goes down it is cheap. [05:23] Kids as young as 13 are having sexual experiences. [07:24] The stats from 2001 to now have c

  • We Just Want to Be Seen

    15/01/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Johnna Hensley is someone who I immediately liked when I met her. She's super kind. She laughs at my jokes. She's easy to talk to. She's a good listener and a deep thinker. She also loves her family fiercely. Johnna and her husband Ryan have three children. One of them is special needs. She is a mother living in two different worlds right under the same roof. I wonder how she does it. I'm so excited to have Johnna on the show to find out. Johnna Hensley is a native Texan, a writer, and a lost sinner who found hope and redemption in Jesus. She is the wife of an energetic and giving man, and a homeschooling mother to three wild and sweet little boys. Her life is nothing as she expected it would be, but finding beauty in the broken is what makes it worth living. You can find Johnna Hensley here: Johnna HensleyJohnnaHensley on Instagramjohnna@johnnahensley.com Show Notes [04:12] Johnna made a video with her son Hayden. They did a CrossFit parody. [07:28] Johnna's son Hayden has spina bifida and he has a tracheot

  • Don’t MIND Me, It’s Just the Season 2 Premiere

    08/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    Welcome to season 2 of the Ordinary People Ordinary Things podcast. I loved doing the first season so much that we are doing another round. Now that I have one season down, the second season is going to be better than ever. I will be telling the stories that I’ve always wanted to tell. These stories will be told by people who I’ve learned the most from in my life. Ordinary people like you and me. We will be breaking the season down into three sections of body, mind, and soul. Next week kicks off with a special guest as we start with the body topic. You can find Melissa here: Podcast Web Page Facebook Page @MsMelissaRadke on Instagram @msmelissaradke on Twitter Show Notes [03:52] I am so excited about season 2. I'm going to tell the stories that I've always wanted to tell. Those stories are going to be about ordinary People, because the best lessons I've ever learned in my life are from ordinary people like you and me. [04:34] This season you are going to hear from some really amazing people with some really

  • We've Been Married A Hella Long Time

    28/08/2018 Duration: 48min

    David and I have been married 24 years. That’s a hella long time. Today, my guest is none other than the attorney general himself, David Radke. We take on your questions about our lives and our marriage. Some of these questions are in response to my book Eat Cake. Be Brave. Some are in response to our struggles with infertility and our marriage relationship including broken trust. I hope David is ready to go there. David shares his background and why the attorney general is a fitting nickname. We share some fun facts about our history and our marriage. We also talk about forgiveness, going through the rough times, changing seasons, and finding your partner's love language. We also share why we are going on a brief hiatus from the podcast, but promise to be back. I want to share some of your stories, so please keep sending them in. You can find Melissa here: Podcast Web Page Facebook Page @MsMelissaRadke on Instagram @msmelissaradke on Twitter Show Notes [02:41] We are going to start off with some light quest

  • They’re Gonna Know My Name with Guest: Rocco Radke

    21/08/2018 Duration: 23min

    Out of all of the podcast episodes that I have hosted, today’s guest is the most excited of all. My special guest today is my son Rocco Radke. My daughter Remi and other family and friends have been on the show. It’s now Rocco’s turn, and he chose today’s topic. We discuss our upcoming family sitcom that will be airing on the USA Network either this fall or early next year. Having the show is a big decision that will not only affect me and my life, but it will have an effect on my entire family. Today, Rocco and I discuss how he feels about having our family life filmed, and he shares some fears and unique insights. This was a fun show for both of us. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. You can find Melissa here: Podcast Web Page Facebook Page @MsMelissaRadke on Instagram @msmelissaradke on Twitter Show Notes [03:59] Rocco is excited to be on the show. [05:07] Rocco wants to talk about the TV show we are going to have. [05:34] We are having an unscripted family sitcom coming to the USA Network. It will p

  • Big, Bad, and Bullied All Over

    14/08/2018 Duration: 42min

    School is starting, and I’m nervous. Remi is starting middle school. I’m not worried about Remi, I know that she can handle herself. I’m actually worried about how I have done with Remi. There comes a time when we throw are children out into the deep end and see if they can swim. Have we said the right things? Have we taught our children to rescue themselves and to rescue others?   Kids are growing up faster than ever. Changing one kid at a time can help change the culture. My good friend and hairdresser Wendy is on the show today. She has a beautiful and vivacious daughter named Christian who experienced severe bullying at a new school. Wendy shares their story and how they overcame it through the power of forgiveness and God.   You can find Melissa here:  Podcast Web Page  Facebook Page  @MsMelissaRadke on Instagram  @msmelissaradke on Twitter  Show Notes  [05:35] Wendy is Melissa's hairdresser and they have known each other for 10 years.   [07:23] Wendy and her husband were in Lufkin for 18 years. They de

  • Who Has Time For Eyeliner?

    07/08/2018 Duration: 41min

    This is a super fun episode with a guest I just love. Raegan Williamson from Raegan Williamson Aesthetics & Permanent Cosmetics is here to talk about everything to do with our faces. Reagan has been doing makeup since she was a teenager and has been a nurse for 10 years. She does amazing work with eyebrow microblading, permanent eyeliner, and botox.   In this episode, Raegan shares her background and experience. We talk about these procedures and what to look for and ask when choosing an esthetician. We talk about who these procedures are for and the latest trends and techniques for keeping everyone looking their best. Reagan also shares some fun stories and some touching stories too.   You can find Raegan here:  Raegan Williamson Aesthetics & Permanent Cosmetics on Facebook  Raegan Cassels Williamson on Instagram  Show Notes  [02:59] Reagan has been a nurse for about 10 years. She started with aesthetic nursing. She started doing permanent cosmetics about five years ago. She worked for a doctor and

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