Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. With Melissa Radke

Breaking Bread and Bad Habits with Amy Reinecke



I had Amy on the show last season. Amy has a beautiful story where she lost over 100 pounds on Weight Watchers. I loved Amy since the moment I met her, but what happened after the interview was intriguing. She told me that she was moving away from Weight Watchers, and that she was learning a new way of eating that allowed her to live happy and free. This entire season is on body and soul, so Amy is the perfect guest to have back on the show. She struggled for years with poor body image and binge eating disorder. Amy is now sharing her journey with others in hopes of offering hope that our darkest days make us stronger and that God always has a bigger plan. She shares her journey as it ebbs and flows with healthy living, motherhood and faith. You can find Amy here: Beautifully Broken JourneyAmy Reinecke on Facebook Amy Reinecke on Instagrambeautifullybrokenjourney@gmail.com Show Notes [05:07] At the last show, Amy wished she could get pregnant again, and she is now 23 weeks along. She has two boys and is supe