Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. With Melissa Radke

Odd(ly) Enough



Sometimes when we see a funny video that makes us laugh, we don't bother to take into account that there is a real person behind that video. When we read a book, sometimes we forget that a real person poured their heart and soul into that book. Some people think that I am in the business of social media, or a speaker, or an author. I am really in the business of people. The business of hearing their stories and telling my story. I am in the business of convincing people that their story is powerful and purposeful. My guest today has a powerful story. CA Miljavac is someone who I discovered by watching one of her hilarious videos. I then got to know her and realized that there is so much more to her than her fun videos. I learned that CA stands for Carol Ann and that her story doesn’t match her videos. You can find CA here: CA MiljavacCA Miljavac on FacebookCA Miljavac on InstagramOdd(ly) Enough: Standing Out When the World Begs You To Fit InCA’s Initial Viral VideoHow have I been cleaning all day and NOTHING