Ordinary People. Ordinary Things. With Melissa Radke

Mind Over Mother



We miss so many good opportunities, because we won't walk across the room. I was at the same conference as Nicole, and I asked what brought her here. She said that she's a mom of four and two of her children are almost grown and two of her children are still at home, and she has been looking at her life and thinking what's next. Do you ever wonder what's next for you? Are you ever looking for something more? Nicole Botha is excited by travel. She is an experience seeker. She loves yarn and is intrigued by diversity. She finds authenticity stimulating and suburbia frustrating. She is a feeler and an introvert. She is moved by heart connections, and she thinks kindness is sexy. She is here to today to discuss what it means to want something more and how to find that something. You can find Nicole here: Nicole on Instagram: @niccishoo niccishoo@gmail.com Show Notes [03:34] Nicole is on the East Coast of South Africa. [04:07] South Africa celebrates Christmas, but the weather is different. Her family took a roa