

Theresa Grecco has been one of my closest friends for 20 years. Theresa recently bought a practice from a woman who is retiring. Her business is killing it, and she has clients who are raving about her. I've been a little curious and have been wanting to see what she does. I flew to Nashville, where Theresa lives and works, to try it for myself. I even recorded it for you. In case you're wondering,Theresa is a colon hydrotherapist. I know you're thinking that this isn't the type of therapy that you thought I needed. The reason I'm sharing this experience is because everyone I told about this said they wanted to know more. What you’re about to hear can't be glossed over. It can't be called anything other than what it is. I'll be giving you a first-hand account of what happens when you hop on the table and take your friendship to a whole new level. You can find Theresa here: The Body Benefit The Body Benefit on Facebook Show Notes [05:55] Water has started going in. [06:56] Now it is being increased to releas