Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks



Mature Preneurs Talk Podcasts connects near or over 50’s guests, who’ve created a new enterprise with an audience who are keen to do the same. An emerging dynamic group of inspirational people with extremely diverse ventures individually show how they have transformed their life. During the 15-20 minute interview, host Diana Todd-Banks shines the spotlight on this cavalcade of 50’s, 60’s and 70’s and sometimes 80’s entrepreneurs who share how they changed their life by starting a new venture, much needed community group or business; they also openly discuss how they did it, the pitfalls, tips, joys ... some horror moments and funny bits too. In doing so they encourage and inspire the audience of all ages to spring into action to change their life. Why? Mature Preneurs Guests demonstrate it’s never too late to start something new; or take a step into the unknown - it can change your life! You can make the next chapter of your life the best ever which the guests demonstrate dramatically. This is why Podcast Host Diana Todd-Banks still has coaching clients as she enjoys helping others to move forward. You can learn more here click on: The audience can connect with the host and guests via a private group reinforcing the power of Sharing – Learning - Supporting - Inspiring = Action


  • ANTHONY HAMILTON Discovered Your Mind Is A Time Machine, Which Allows Us To Revisit And Change Any Aspect of Our Personal Past. It Is Also The Key To Turning Our Dreams & Goals Into Our Actual, Physical Reality.

    03/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    Anthony Hamilton at the age of ten had a dream, which affected him so much he spent over twenty years investigating how it could have happened. Over time, as various parts of the dream came true, Anthony developed a new model of the mind to explain and understand this dream. In 1980, he realized that the mind works as a time machine and began speaking and coaching others in using this new model of consciousness. His discovery, which has recently been proven by science, will prove to be as earth shaking if not more so than the discovery that the earth goes around the sun.  During this podcast Anthony offers several excellent suggestions including one for those who want to change their feelings about the past. We are so used to thinking that our present life is due to the events of our past, it seems laughable to suggest anything else. Yet it’s clear, different people experience different effects from similar events, so something else it at play. That ‘something else’ is the way we perceive the past event. Our

  • STEPHEN MURRAY Suggests No Progress Was Ever Made By The Doubters On The Planet & Is Why Despite Spending His Entire Work Life Writing Computer Software, He Never Dreamt As a Mature Bachelor He Would Pen Novels For The Female Market in Las Vegas

    03/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    Stephen said that’s exactly what happened and explains how writing charted his life on a new course, an amazingly incredible journey. Since his computer work world afforded him the opportunity to travel as he began semi-retirement, he decided to write a book on his extensive worldwide travels. His ‘tome’ wasn’t published but the path took him down a road where he would self-publish three fictional novels – two aimed at the female reading audience.  That’s often how life happens you have a goal, work towards it yet you veer of course onto a new amazing one. Living in Las Vegas, the marriage capital of the world, Stephen’s first published novel was titled ‘The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas’. With 50 plus wedding chapels in Las Vegas and a Wedding Chamber of Commerce collectively bringing in over 2 billions dollars per year to the marriage capital, yet Stephen did not interview anyone for these books. As a bachelor he used his imagination and what imagination!  Not only did the novel wi

  • BRIAN CONNORS - Suggests By Being Open To New Ideas & Experiences You Never Know What Can Happen, the Surprising Doors That Might Open Or The Unexpected Benefits You Might Gain – Like He Did.

    31/01/2019 Duration: 32min

    Brian Connors had been in GM roles for a range on multinational medical device companies across Australia and Asia for three decades, which exposed him to a wide range of products. But in between roles an opportunity popped up, a door opened and being open to new products Brian decided to start a side business with a unique product that prevents Swimmers Ear and ear pain caused by water being trapped in the ear canal. In his midlife this side business has given him a new lease of life, greater energy and a sense of excitement about the future. Anyone who starts a new venture can realise similar benefits but it takes time and effort but, if you find the right opportunity then it can be a great way to help make the future more financially rewarding, secure and interesting.  For listeners looking to do doing something new in their midlife or beyond, Brian has some simple tips 1) be prepared to put in the time. If not don’t do it. 2) SEEK out people for advice and help. Ask! It is amazing how people are willing t

  • PATTY CIVALLERI Became An Unwitting Global Travel Author & Photographer Travelling To Deep Corners of the World In Search of Lost & Ancient Cultures. Sounds Wonderful & Easy – Think Again!

    21/01/2019 Duration: 39min

    Dubbed the ‘Indiana Jones in High Heels’ Patty Civalleri journeyed with some of the best historical, archaeological, and scientific minds in the world. During 17 years on the Director’s Council of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, as writer/photographer Patty travelled to extraordinary places including the newly discovered Mayan caves in Belize. In 2013 Patty got a 1-month photo assignment to these Mayan caves - a wonderful experience, but listen to this podcast and you’ll glimpse how hard it was. Nothing glamorous.  On her return to Long Beach, California, Patty says ‘she was kind of… messed up in the head. That trip was so excruciatingly difficult on me when I got back home, I couldn’t find my feet, my center.” Not knowing what to do she decided “I just needed to get away with my camera and walk unknown streets and shoot to my heart’s desire without an assignment to drive me.” Which she did! Returning home, Patty began a project to create a ‘ShutterFly’ photo book. Starting to review the nearly 5

  • MARVIN WILSON Suggests while most over 50’s have had successes and failures in life it’s not until you start a creative new venture that you realise how rejuvenating it is, how much younger you feel, which every over 50 can do and feel the experience

    12/01/2019 Duration: 31min

    Marvin says although he’s been a lifelong entrepreneur he never envisioned starting a new venture at 69 which he has done. Traveling as an R&R musician during the hippie era of the 60s and 70s, he owned a home improvement company then engaged in several MLMs, then began writing to now being a multi-published author and professional editor. With a diversity of experiences behind him Marvin identified a gap in a very prolific industry, the publishing industry. As with so many industries, the big players make it hard in this case for quality, creative unknown artists, in any field, to be exposed and get noticed, unless they’re well connected. This is why Marvin started ‘Publishing 4 the People’! He says ‘it’s the best of all world’s to create a venture where it’s a ‘win-win’ for everyone involved: the artists, the audience, the new company P4tP and Charities win too as a small portion of revenues go to selected worthy charities. Marvin’s goal for artists in any field is to have a significant and positive imp

  • ROSS KEATING Is A Firm Believer & Proof That “Age Is Only A Number And Not To Let A Number Hold You Back,” Or A Midlife Redundancy, Hold You Back From Creating A New Life & Business

    23/12/2018 Duration: 30min

    Ross Keating experienced redundancy a few times in his corporate career, and that, in itself can hold you back from moving forward. But for Ross the saying “Age is only a number. Don’t let a number hold you back,” is a thought he lives by in fact, it has helped him move forward. At the age of 50, Ross and his family moved to Australia and he decided to establish a consulting practice, which he called The Client Orchardist. Having previously experienced redundancy a few times in his corporate career, Ross learnt the importance of identifying and clearly understanding what your transferable skills are.  That’s not easy when suffering from the effects of redundancy and neither is the next step deciding where you want to end up! To identify where your opportunities may lie, start by looking at your past work experiences and personal interests. Taking time on this step is important as it sets the tone for the next step, says Ross, which is learning simple ways to set goals.  Doing this, will help you focus on your

  • DEBBIE RIVERS Said of Her Midlife It Was Time To Do What She Loved, Making a Difference Rather Than Nit Picking! It’s A Call For All ‘Midlifers’ To Do The Same – Do What You Love Doing It’s Never To Late To Start!

    19/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    Debbie Rivers felt she worked in one of the most disliked occupations, auditing! A safe, well-paid government job and one that she didn’t like, plus she dreaded going to work as it sucked the life out of her. Despite being a seriously risk adverse person, at 53 she took a huge step, and left her security behind, to work in dating! Debbie said it was time to do what she loved, making a difference rather than nit picking!  An Accidental Entrepreneur, she always had an aversion to business as her parents ran delis (delicatessens) while she was growing up and were never around. After 21 years of marriage, and single, Debbie explored the dating scene but was dismayed by it and its new language breadcrumbing, ghosting, orbiting, benching, terms for bad or poor behaviour. Despite that Debbie felt compelled to explore speed dating and loved the concept! She talked with others about the idea, until a bar owner convinced her to try running one herself and her first was Perth's Biggest Speed Dating Event. Crazy, is how

  • ANITA BENTATA Felt The Deep Desire To Rise Up To Change Her Story - To Somehow Help Survivors, The Community & Professionals In Prevention, Intervention & Healing From Domestic Violence & To Answer Why Women Stay!

    15/12/2018 Duration: 31min

    ANITA BENTATA said nearing 50 she needed to change her life story from trauma, being alone and hard work, but didn’t yet know how. Childhood neglect and abuse had shaped Anita into a powerless young adult unable to protect her from being stalked in her teens. Years later, she escaped domestic violence with her two young children and entered therapy to make sure it never happened again and also took a risk and entered university to change careers from accounts to psychotherapy which she did and began helping victims of DV and other trauma. After years of experience and practical knowledge Anita was ready to reach more people and to address ‘next level gaps’ and also remembered her promise to clients to write a book explaining why women stay. She did that and wrote The Wolf in a Suit. This led to reflecting deeply on what was missing in society. To address the gaps for survivors, community and professionals in prevention, intervention and healing Anita created Feminine Principle events and the Big Hearted Woman

  • DANIEL GOODENOUGH – We Are All On This Planet For A Reason, For A Purpose But Most People Have Not Discovered What That Is For Them, & Is Why Three Words Are So Important. Through A Purposeful Process It Is Possible To Discover Your Life Mission.

    10/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    Daniel Goodenough is the author of the recently published book, “The Caravan of Remembering, A Road Map for Experiencing the Awakening of Your Life Mission”. Although fiction, the reader is taken on a mystical journey to finding a life of meaning and purpose that is right for you. As a child, Daniel was disturbed seeing people around him doing work they hated, and wished he could help people find work they loved. Looking for that for himself, he worked as a research scientist, professional musician, and fine artist, and then started a business as a graphic designer so he could understand the life of an entrepreneur.  For the past 30 years he has taught thousands of students internationally through The Way of the Heart, a program of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Daniel consults with entrepreneurs and business people about doing business in a new way - with integrity, purpose, and heart. By listening to this podcast you’ll hear Daniel discuss the three important words – questions: Why? What? Who and what

  • INGRID BAYER Knows What It’s Like To Experience Severe Workplace Bullying. Rocking Recipients To The Core This Emotionally Devastating Experience Can Stymy A Person’s Ability To Move Forward Unless You Re-Think Your Life - Then Magic Can Happen.

    04/12/2018 Duration: 24min

    Starting off on a fairly conventional career path Ingrid recognised to grow her career she needed to relocate from the country to Sydney. In her late 40s, she experienced terrible workplace bullying that rocked her to the core causing her to re-think her career choices, which at first was tough considering her experience. Wisely Ingrid reviewed her skills, which enabled her to set up a Virtual Assistant business, which she operated very successfully from her own home office in Taree in country NSW, Australia. Recognising the benefit and enormous satisfaction that the Virtual Assistant career and the lifestyle was bringing her, and countless other women throughout Australia (and the world), Ingrid saw there were many who were seeking help to get started but just had no idea where to begin.  This was the catalyst for Ingrid to set up the VA Institute, because importantly becoming a VA is a path anyone can do and certainly those who are retrenched can. Now in its 2nd year of operation the VA Institute provides o

  • SARAH DAHMEN, Frequently Asks Why? Or ... Why Not And Is A Question A Person Might Ask About Any Life Decision They Are Faced With. Ask Why Not – Look At The Long & Short Term Consequences – Go With Your Gut. You Never Know Where It Might Take You.

    02/12/2018 Duration: 29min

    Sara applied that question to her life and now is one of (if not the only) female coppersmith in America (or the world), working as a metal smith of vintage and modern cookware manufacturing pure metal kitchenware in tin, copper, and iron. It wasn’t easy at first she had to learn how to create cookware from scratch because in America, copper cookware, in particular, had not been made for decades. The knowledge was hidden or lost, it was hard to find as no one seemed to know what they were doing, including Sara. Making lots of phone calls starting with “Hi, I don’t know what I’m doing, but ... those endless calls, her research and tenacity bloomed into a great business. The most exciting part now Sara said she gets to jump into the bigger discussion about food. Not as one more chef or one more foodie, but as someone who wants us to ask the same questions about our cookware as we do about what we eat.  We should ask about our pots and pans, ‘Where is it from? What is it made of? Who made it? Is it sustainable?

  • ELSE BYSKOV Says Once You See The Bigger Picture, Your Whole Outlook On Life Will Change And You Will Become a Much Happier Person When You Realize That ‘Death Is An Illusion,’ Else’s First Book - Based On The Work of Martinus.

    28/11/2018 Duration: 30min

    Else Byskov like many people nearing 50 had been a searching soul all her life. Leaving her homeland of Denmark and living, working and teaching Spanish, she surprisingly encountered the material of Martinus, the Danish visionary and mystic - and was completely bowled over by it. After Else read the major part of his voluminous work, she was so enthusiastic she felt compelled to tell somebody about it! Rather than verbally discussing what she uncovered, Else wrote her first book ‘Death Is an Illusion’, published in 2002, which is an introduction to the extensive enlightening, provocative and practical works of Martinus. Yes that was a mouthful, but listen to this podcast in full and you’ll understand why.   Martinus main work is called ‘The Book of Life’ (see Livets Bog). In total his work comprises over 10.000 pages of spiritual insight, including some positive profound insights for people between 50-70, as his belief is it’s the most significant time of your life. Spreading the word about Martinus because h

  • DR ROSEMARY McCALLUM You Never Know Where A Life Challenge Will Take You, How It Will Stretch You & What Gifts It May Present – A Powerful View Such As This Can Be A Life Changer. It Was!

    26/11/2018 Duration: 33min

    Dr Rosemary McCallum is a great believer in ‘The Powerful Impact of Emotional Intelligence.’ But that wasn’t always so. Life presented a major challenge for she and her husband who had a defaulting client, the result of which caused them to not only lose their successful design business, but their life to fall apart, as they lost everything. Refusing to go bankrupt life spiralled out of control, Rosemary suffered severe manic depression, and it took years for them to get back on their feet through the ‘gift’ their life challenge presented. Rosemary quotes, “Life presents us gifts that when taken up can stretch us and help us find the courage to be the truth of ourselves.” Acknowledging this well-known phrase she said that is exactly what losing everything did for her. You never know where a life challenge will take you and for Rosemary it sent her to study Behavioural science. Once finished she felt intellectually informed but emotionally empty, there was something missing, a lynch key that held it all togeth

  • [Re-Upload] DEBORAH McDIARMID Says Baby Boomers Are At The Crest Of A New Wave Of Opportunity - Why You Should Ride The Wave of a Second Chance By Starting A Business After 50 – But What ? - Mature Preneurs Talk

    25/11/2018 Duration: 31min

    Deb McDiarmid was following her dream of living around the world and working in the Hospitality industry, when she was suddenly faced with a challenge she had no idea how to deal with. In fact it’s a challenge many over 50’s are faced with today. It can be a terrifying lonely time.  When this life-changing event occurred, Deb was living on a luxury resort in the small island nation of the Maldives and immersed in her challenging senior management role however, but there was a storm brewing in paradise. Eventually the extreme working hours and stress levels finally took their toll. Deb suffered burn out and then had to bail out of her 30-year Hotel Management career. After regrouping, she was faced with questions about where to live and what to do, but with an ardent desire to start a business, but what? She had no idea what type of business to start or even if that’s what she wanted to do. How can you find what you want to do when you don’t know what you want to do, so she kept exploring. Then one day she rea

  • [Re-Upload] BEVERLEY GANDARA Talks About How she adapted a screenplay into a novel what she did and how plus tips - Mature Preneurs Talk

    24/11/2018 Duration: 24min

    Beverly Gandara says adapting a screenplay into a book is not an easy task for anyone and what is intriguing, is to hear her describe the experience along with her achievements which are extremely inspiring and motivating. Inspired by her husband, Armand’s experience Concrete Wings is about Julian, a naive teen sent out of Cuba on the eve of the Bay of Pigs Invasion to retrieve smuggled family jewels.  He comes of age in New York at the height of the sexual revolution as he earns his political and economic freedom.  By a twist of fate, he begins to lose his freedom when his oppressive parents arrive and refuse to assimilate into American Society. Originally written as a screenplay, two Hollywood producers suggested to Beverly Gandara she adapt the screenplay into a novel, which she was told would be easier to sell as a motion picture either for television or theatrical release. Learning to adapt a screenplay into a book is not an easy task and for those who have never done that it’s complex. Beverly Gandara h

  • [Re-Upload] AMANDA BARLOW How Does She Do It? Mum to 3 Kids & A Wellsite Geologist On Off Shore Oil Rigs - Running Her First Marathon At 49 Then 47 Marathons in 16 Different Countries!

    22/11/2018 Duration: 30min

    As a female wellsite geologist working within the male-dominated offshore oil and gas, coal seam gas and minerals industries, life is always interesting. But Amanda Barlow does much more than that. Starting out as a recreational marathon runner she now has run 47 marathons in 16 different countries and is a member of The Seven Continents Marathon Club. In the Jungle Marathon, in Brazil she wrote about that experience “Call of the Jungle – How a Camping-Hating City-Slicker Mum Survived an Ultra Endurance race through the Amazon Jungle.” She’s tackled extreme events in exciting parts of the world, like the Great Wall of China, the Inca Trail and Antarctica.  “An Inconvenient Life: My Unconventional Career as a Wellsite Geologist” is Amanda’s second book which documents her career as a Geologist and how she ended up working as a wellsite geologist on offshore oil and gas rigs. "Offshore Oil and Gas PEOPLE" Amanda's third book, is an overview of what it’s like to work on an offshore oilrig, and the role everyone

  • CATHERINE AUMAN Said “I’m 50, I Can Do Whatever I Want”, Which Is Also Profound Wisdom For Those Struggling with the ‘Will I, Won’t I Dilemma Of Ditching The Corporate Life For A New Life You Create Yourself’! - Mature Preneurs Talk

    19/11/2018 Duration: 28min

    Catherine had a successful career in mental health, but found her soul wasn't satisfied which is why at 50, she decided to "come out of the closet" about her spiritual journey. Why? Up to then if a person expressed interest in yoga or meditation of any form you were viewed as being suspect. Now of course it’s mainstream, but back then, not so. Hitting the half-century, Catherine ditched her corporate career, put up a website, and opened her own counselling practice incorporating psychotherapy and mindfulness, and while it wasn’t for everyone, it spoke to enough people that she made a good income. Out of that experience she wrote her first book, Shortcuts to Mindfulness: 100 Ways to Personal and Spiritual Growth. What happened next for Catherine is a classic example of listening to what you want to achieve in your mature life, then actioning your next steps and seeing where that leads. Often people don’t have a choice of consciously leaving their work or business, they’re put out to pasture because of their ag

  • KAREN MAGILL Was Disabled By Multiple Sclerosis And Recognised She Couldn’t Do Anything About That, But Almost Daily She Would See & Hear of People Choosing to Disable Themselves ... With Debt

    17/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    Karen worked for the Canadian federal government as a tax collector until one day she woke up partially paralysed on one side of her body. Nine days after that, she was diagnosed with MS and ended up on disability, taking a 30% cut in pay, and 2 years later filed for bankruptcy. You think that would be the end of it but when Karen was able to get credit again, she found herself spending the same way as before.  Karen says no doubt others reading and hearing this can relate but this time it was going to stop she recognised her self-destructive behaviour and worked hard to get control of her debt.  Later realizing she wasn’t alone in this behaviour, Karen thought she could be of service, using her experience as a tax collector, a bookkeeper and life experience to help others avoid continual drowning in debt and possibly by doing that she might even get herself off of disability. In early fifties coaching became Karen’s focus and helping others to avoid the pitfalls she encountered. It’s a very common and wonder


    11/11/2018 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Clete proudly states at 80, he’s going strong and focused on helping to improve public schools.  With so many years behind him he has many fascinating stories to talk about some of which Dr. Clete does allude and expand on during this program. Dr. Clete is extraordinarily eloquent when he discusses the five basic needs for human relations, whether in a love relationship, business relationship, parental relationship or a friend relationship, he says four factors come into play. Listen to the program for more on this fascinating topic and much more including the discussion about life with no purpose is no life and how to find that purpose.  A winding road of life experiences he spent years in the school system and was awarded a contract to evaluate every school district in West Virginia. His favourite question of teachers and students was “What do you like about school and what do you not like about school,” and discovered that many teachers and students did not like school. He then wrote a book on how to c

  • JANE CURNOW Says By Learning New Life Skills Age Truly Is No Barrier To Your Dreams Nor To The Dramatic Barriers Like Several Addictions You Encounter In Life - She is Living Proof Of That, And Wants Her Story To Be Told To Help Others - Mature Preneurs T

    06/11/2018 Duration: 28min

    Jane Curnow was in and out of therapy from the age of 16, by which time she had made two attempts on her life, and had three hospitalisations. Chronically addicted to drugs and alcohol, exercise, she had eating disorders, anxiety, serious medication all of which made depression Janes intimate companion and for over 25 years. Significantly, at 45 years of age she suffered an injury that saw her having to change her exercise routine because she was addicted to exercise because her self worth through her appearance was not as she thought it should be.  Her physio literally dragged by the hair, kicking and screaming, into the weights room. Required to adopt a kinder approach to her body, later Jane debuted as a fitness model at the age of 46 and her journey of recovery had begun. Through the intense protocol required to compete on stage, and driven by vanity and low self-worth, Jane inadvertently stumbled across the answers she had searched a lifetime for curing herself from depression! As a fitness model, she ce

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