Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

DR ROSEMARY McCALLUM You Never Know Where A Life Challenge Will Take You, How It Will Stretch You & What Gifts It May Present – A Powerful View Such As This Can Be A Life Changer. It Was!



Dr Rosemary McCallum is a great believer in ‘The Powerful Impact of Emotional Intelligence.’ But that wasn’t always so. Life presented a major challenge for she and her husband who had a defaulting client, the result of which caused them to not only lose their successful design business, but their life to fall apart, as they lost everything. Refusing to go bankrupt life spiralled out of control, Rosemary suffered severe manic depression, and it took years for them to get back on their feet through the ‘gift’ their life challenge presented. Rosemary quotes, “Life presents us gifts that when taken up can stretch us and help us find the courage to be the truth of ourselves.” Acknowledging this well-known phrase she said that is exactly what losing everything did for her. You never know where a life challenge will take you and for Rosemary it sent her to study Behavioural science. Once finished she felt intellectually informed but emotionally empty, there was something missing, a lynch key that held it all togeth