Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

MARVIN WILSON Suggests while most over 50’s have had successes and failures in life it’s not until you start a creative new venture that you realise how rejuvenating it is, how much younger you feel, which every over 50 can do and feel the experience



Marvin says although he’s been a lifelong entrepreneur he never envisioned starting a new venture at 69 which he has done. Traveling as an R&R musician during the hippie era of the 60s and 70s, he owned a home improvement company then engaged in several MLMs, then began writing to now being a multi-published author and professional editor. With a diversity of experiences behind him Marvin identified a gap in a very prolific industry, the publishing industry. As with so many industries, the big players make it hard in this case for quality, creative unknown artists, in any field, to be exposed and get noticed, unless they’re well connected. This is why Marvin started ‘Publishing 4 the People’! He says ‘it’s the best of all world’s to create a venture where it’s a ‘win-win’ for everyone involved: the artists, the audience, the new company P4tP and Charities win too as a small portion of revenues go to selected worthy charities. Marvin’s goal for artists in any field is to have a significant and positive imp