Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

INGRID BAYER Knows What It’s Like To Experience Severe Workplace Bullying. Rocking Recipients To The Core This Emotionally Devastating Experience Can Stymy A Person’s Ability To Move Forward Unless You Re-Think Your Life - Then Magic Can Happen.



Starting off on a fairly conventional career path Ingrid recognised to grow her career she needed to relocate from the country to Sydney. In her late 40s, she experienced terrible workplace bullying that rocked her to the core causing her to re-think her career choices, which at first was tough considering her experience. Wisely Ingrid reviewed her skills, which enabled her to set up a Virtual Assistant business, which she operated very successfully from her own home office in Taree in country NSW, Australia. Recognising the benefit and enormous satisfaction that the Virtual Assistant career and the lifestyle was bringing her, and countless other women throughout Australia (and the world), Ingrid saw there were many who were seeking help to get started but just had no idea where to begin.  This was the catalyst for Ingrid to set up the VA Institute, because importantly becoming a VA is a path anyone can do and certainly those who are retrenched can. Now in its 2nd year of operation the VA Institute provides o