Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

JANE CURNOW Says By Learning New Life Skills Age Truly Is No Barrier To Your Dreams Nor To The Dramatic Barriers Like Several Addictions You Encounter In Life - She is Living Proof Of That, And Wants Her Story To Be Told To Help Others - Mature Preneurs T



Jane Curnow was in and out of therapy from the age of 16, by which time she had made two attempts on her life, and had three hospitalisations. Chronically addicted to drugs and alcohol, exercise, she had eating disorders, anxiety, serious medication all of which made depression Janes intimate companion and for over 25 years. Significantly, at 45 years of age she suffered an injury that saw her having to change her exercise routine because she was addicted to exercise because her self worth through her appearance was not as she thought it should be.  Her physio literally dragged by the hair, kicking and screaming, into the weights room. Required to adopt a kinder approach to her body, later Jane debuted as a fitness model at the age of 46 and her journey of recovery had begun. Through the intense protocol required to compete on stage, and driven by vanity and low self-worth, Jane inadvertently stumbled across the answers she had searched a lifetime for curing herself from depression! As a fitness model, she ce