Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

DANIEL GOODENOUGH – We Are All On This Planet For A Reason, For A Purpose But Most People Have Not Discovered What That Is For Them, & Is Why Three Words Are So Important. Through A Purposeful Process It Is Possible To Discover Your Life Mission.



Daniel Goodenough is the author of the recently published book, “The Caravan of Remembering, A Road Map for Experiencing the Awakening of Your Life Mission”. Although fiction, the reader is taken on a mystical journey to finding a life of meaning and purpose that is right for you. As a child, Daniel was disturbed seeing people around him doing work they hated, and wished he could help people find work they loved. Looking for that for himself, he worked as a research scientist, professional musician, and fine artist, and then started a business as a graphic designer so he could understand the life of an entrepreneur.  For the past 30 years he has taught thousands of students internationally through The Way of the Heart, a program of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Daniel consults with entrepreneurs and business people about doing business in a new way - with integrity, purpose, and heart. By listening to this podcast you’ll hear Daniel discuss the three important words – questions: Why? What? Who and what