Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

DEBBIE RIVERS Said of Her Midlife It Was Time To Do What She Loved, Making a Difference Rather Than Nit Picking! It’s A Call For All ‘Midlifers’ To Do The Same – Do What You Love Doing It’s Never To Late To Start!



Debbie Rivers felt she worked in one of the most disliked occupations, auditing! A safe, well-paid government job and one that she didn’t like, plus she dreaded going to work as it sucked the life out of her. Despite being a seriously risk adverse person, at 53 she took a huge step, and left her security behind, to work in dating! Debbie said it was time to do what she loved, making a difference rather than nit picking!  An Accidental Entrepreneur, she always had an aversion to business as her parents ran delis (delicatessens) while she was growing up and were never around. After 21 years of marriage, and single, Debbie explored the dating scene but was dismayed by it and its new language breadcrumbing, ghosting, orbiting, benching, terms for bad or poor behaviour. Despite that Debbie felt compelled to explore speed dating and loved the concept! She talked with others about the idea, until a bar owner convinced her to try running one herself and her first was Perth's Biggest Speed Dating Event. Crazy, is how