Money Matters With Dino



At Money Matters With Dino we’re all about bringing the top Financial, Legal and Real Estate professionals and their knowledge and experience to as many people as possible. We do this through our highly rated radio show, our social media and the information you’ll find on this website.Now, we won’t always know all the answers to every question ourselves, but here’s our promise to you. We will never stop searching out the professionals who have the answers you’re looking for and; in fact, will continue to compile a list of Trusted Local Professionals that we can personally recommend. Our TLP’s (Trusted Local Professionals) are rigorously vetted and always standing by to serve you so that you can feel comfortable that you’re getting the very best of the best.Let us be your advocates as well as the place where you come to gain knowledge and advice. Make sure you tune in, subscribe to our monthly newsletter and come back daily as we constantly update our content and programming to bring you absolutely the most cutting edge information.Sit back, relax and know that you’re in the right place at the right time. Remember, your future is up to you. From your estate to Real Estate, your money matters.


  • #125 Rebuilding Financially After Divorce

    11/06/2015 Duration: 32min

    Divorce is on the rise again.  Have you ever sat down to calculate the cost of getting divorced?  How does 6 figures sound to start?   On this show Colleen McNamee from McNamee Mediations and Certified Financial Planner Bart Zandbergen talk to Dino about the enormous financial and emotional cost of divorce.  Here are just some of the questions Dino asked Colleen: When Child Support drops off, does that affect your support? What does the court look at in determining spousal/child support? What if your spouse refuses to get a job? Do you believe alimony should end? After a divorce when you’re starting over, what’s the quickest wat to rebuild financial stability? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our show on itunes and leave comments for us. Tell us what insights you took from this episo

  • #124 The Financial Impact of Divorce on Retirement Plans & Social Security

    04/06/2015 Duration: 17min

    Nobody like talking about divorce, but here’s the thing…if you don’t you can cost yourself tens of thousands of dollars.   On this show Colleen McNamee from McNamee Mediations talks to Dino about the problems that divorce causes for your retirement plans and social security.  Here are just some of the questions Dino asked Colleen: How about social security? I’ve been told my ex-wife get my benefit but my current wife won’t? What happens when a couple refinances a property that belonged to one spouse before the marriage and then they get divorced? What happens to property in a divorce with spouse being deported because of the lack of a green card? How do I get my marital share of my husband’s retirement plan? When child support drops off, does that affect your spousal support amount? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help u

  • #123 Tax Efficient Retirement Planning - David Huisinga

    11/05/2015 Duration: 27min

     Nobody like talking about taxes, but here's the thing...a good retirement tax strategies can save you and your heirs hundreds of thousands of dollars. On this show David Huisinga from Trilogy Financial Services talks to Dino about tax efficient retirement planning that everyone can benefit from as long as they have the right advisors in their corner.  Here are just some of the questions Dino asked David: 1.  What are the most common ways to save for retirement? 2.  Of the different types of plans, which is the most tax efficient? 3.  Don't most people want annual tax deductions? 4.  What is a Roth 401k? 5.  What do you do if your employer doesn't offer a Roth 401K? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our show on itunes and leave comments for us. Tell us what insights you took from this epi

  • #122 Portfolio Stress Testing For Retirees

    30/04/2015 Duration: 27min

    How can your financial planner help you feel truly comfortable that your retirement savings and income will be there when the time comes?  Have you ever heard of portfolio stress testing for retirees?  Nothing is guaranteed, but it’s a really good use of technology to help predict all the possibilities that might happen in every market correction in the future.  This is the way to be sure you can ride out a Bear market without dipping into your market investments at the wrong time.   In this episode, Kevin Leon the Regional VP of Trilogy Financial Services goes into details about the portfolio stress test.  Dino and Jeff discuss topics like: How do you test the stress of a portfolio? What role does diversification play in retirement? How does a written financial plan relate to a stress test? Is there a particular age group for which you use Monte Carlo testing? What are key questions that make sure that a financial planner is compatible with the client? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matte

  • #121 2014 Divorce Statistics & Information

    30/04/2015 Duration: 26min

    Many people who have gone through divorce site it as their darkest time.  In fact, the divorce statistics are so staggering in Southern California that it’s truly amazing that people get married at all.   In this show Colleen McNamee from McNamee Mediations came on to discuss the Top 10 Reasons for Divorce.  Here are some of the highlights: What’re the divorce trends currently? Why choose mediation over a divorce attorney? Does a no fault state make divorce more difficult or easier? How does a mediator handle the emotions of a divorce? What are the divorce rates in Southern California? Financial difference between mediation and attorney legal fees? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our show on itunes and leave comments for us. Tell us what insights you took from this episode.

  • #120 Written Financial Plans

    27/04/2015 Duration: 27min

    The bottom line when it comes to good financial planning is to put your goals in writing starting today through the moment you pass your assets to your heirs.  Writing your goals into a sound financial strategy has an incredible ability to clear and focus your mind and habits.   In this episode, Jeff Seuferling from Trilogy Financial Services discusses the process of writing a solid financial plan.  Dino and Jeff discuss topics like: Planning with a low income Leveraging time to create wealth The Evolution of the Written Financial Plan Technology and the Financial Plan For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our show on itunes and leave comments for us. Tell us what insights you took from this episode.

  • #120 Proven System To Flip 400 Houses

    27/04/2015 Duration: 42min

    Making the decision to be an Entrepreneur is not an easy one.  It’s filled with fears and doubts, but also the excitement of possibilities.  The great thing is that no matter what industry you are in, the fundamentals of owning your own business are the same.   In this episode, Justin Williams from House Flipping HQ is on to discuss how he went from debt to flipping over 400 houses.  Dino and Justin discuss topics such as: How focus will make you rich Knowledge leads to success Building A System For Flipping Houses Business Coaching Preparing For A Changing Market Having A Partner vs. Do It Yourself “The E-myth” For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our show on itunes and leave comments for us. Tell us what insights you took from this episode.

  • #119 Quick Tips To Financial Success

    19/04/2015 Duration: 28min

    Would you like some practical tips for financial success?  Of course you would and here’s why.  Regardless of whether you make a lot of money or not, you can have a healthy retirement if you follow a few simple rules.   In this show Kevin Leon, the Regional VP of Trilogy Financial Services will change your perspective in 30 minutes of great information.  Here are some of the highlights: Paying off Credit Cards for success When to pay off the house Using cash To buy or lease a car Difference between a Roth IRA vs a Regular IRA Unmet expectations Finances For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our show on itunes and leave comments for us. Tell us what insights you took from this episode.

  • #118 The Future of Credit and What It Means To You

    19/04/2015 Duration: 27min

    Credit has been both an incredible benefit and detriment to Americans over the years depending entirely on how diligent someone had been.  Good credit can save you thousands of dollars a year, while bad credit can cost you thousands a year.  The challenge is that so often what the credit bureaus are looking for is not only confusing, but it changes consistently.   Derek Boyd from Credit Law Solutions is highly respected in the area of credit repair supported by a very high number of 5 star reviews on yelp.  In this episode Derek explains in detail what credit means and how it can be improved.  Here are some of the questions Dino asked Derek: What’s the normal amount you can increase someone’s credit score? What makes a good credit repair company? Can you help anyone repair their credit? Is credit repair a quick fix or does it last? How much does credit repair cost? Can you help someone through a Bankruptcy? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at www.mon

  • #117 Protect Your Assets With Estate Planning

    12/04/2015 Duration: 27min

    Why would you want to work your whole lives just to give all of your assets away to the government and other 3rd parties at the time of your death?  The answer is that you wouldn’t;  nor would you want to have little or no control over medical decisions if you’re injured.   Tom Walden, Senior VP of Investments with Trilogy Financial Services came on to discuss these and other very impactful reasons to sit down with an estate planning professional. Why is estate planning important for your clients? What is probate and/or what would trigger probate? What does Guardianship for Minors mean? Are there taxes due at someone’s death? As A Financial Advisor How can you help a client save on Estate Taxes? How do your clients start the estate planning process For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our

  • #116 Avoid Divorce Through Proper Planning & Communication

    12/04/2015 Duration: 37min

    Divorce is a painful process that can rob a couple of their dignity and their finances.  In fact, many people who have gone through divorce site it as their darkest time.  What if there were a process that would allow you to save money on the lawyers fees and deal with each other in a way that would help you to maintain a friendship?  Better still, what if you could avoid divorce entirely through proper planning and communication?   In this show Colleen McNamee from McNamee Mediations came on to discuss the Top 10 Reasons for Divorce.  Here are some of the highlights: Getting married for the wrong reasons Lack of individual identity Becoming Lost in the Roles Not having a shared vision for success The intimacy dissappears Unmet expectations Finances For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our

  • #115 Wing Lam - Top Marketing Tips From Entrepreneur Wing Lam

    02/04/2015 Duration: 48min

    Wing Lam is the Co-Founder of Wahoo’s Fish Tacos and the epitome of a marketing entrepreneur.  In this fascinating show Wing gave a no-holds-barred account of how he built the Wahoo’s empire from one location on the beach of Southern California to 65 locations in 7 states. "The lowest person on the totem pole in your organization needs to be able to execute." - Wing Lam     Tell me about your business…  What do you guys do and who is your client? How did you come up with it? Did you have a partner when you first started? Did you have the money yourself to start or did you borrow from someone or institution? Did you have an MBA like business plan or did you bootstrap it? Tell me about those days Is today’s business different from how it use to be? What do you think of today’s generation as apposed to yours (if different)?

  • #114 Kevin Leon - The ABC's of Life Insurance

    02/04/2015 Duration: 27min

    Many times talking about life insurance can feel like an uncomfortable conversation, but it doesn’t have to be that way.  If you work with the right professional what you’ll realize is that it’s really just about doing the math so that your family is protected.  Life insurance can take care of things like replacing your income, paying off debt, funding college plans and leveraging estate tax issues.   In this show the Regional VP of Trilogy Financial Kevin Leon breaks down the types of life insurance you will need based on your current situation and future goals.  Here are some of the questions Dino asked Kevin: Why should people have life insurance? What types of insurance are available today? How much insurance does a typical family man need? Is work term life insurance any good? What are accelerated benefit riders and do all life insurance policies have these available? What could happen if people do not have coverage and something happens?

  • #113 Jeff Motske - Couples Guide To Financial Compatibility

    24/03/2015 Duration: 55min

    Financial Compatibility is a very important thing to a relationship and yet it's almost always ignored.  It's true that it's an uncomfortable conversation to have at the beginning because it requires complete trust and transparency, but it is surprisingly simple once you get into it.  Setting your priorities like retirement and college tuition can bring a couple together and make your financial path incredibly clear. Jeff Motske is the CEO of Trilogy Financial and came on to discuss his new book "The Couples Guide To Financial Compatibility" as well as his financial planning theory he calls "setting up your financial house". There is a lot of practical and educational information in this show. Here are some of the questions Jeff answered: What prompted the writing of your book"The Couples Guide To Financial Compatibility?" Who is the book written for? What advice can you give for balancing money talk with romance? What are some of the most commonly overlooked money matters that cause conflict?   Can

  • #112 Cary Boring - Annuities: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    21/03/2015 Duration: 27min

    Annuities are very misunderstood.  What kind do you go into?  What are they for exactly?  Can they grow significantly for retirement?  There are so many options, some not good at all and some very good depending on where you are in your planning.  It’s important to sit down with someone who really understands the Annuities so that you match your needs with the right vehicle.   Certified Financial Planner, Cary Boring from Trilogy Financial in Huntington Beach California came on the show to educate us on the good, the bad and the ugly in the realm of annuities. Here’s just some of the things Dino and Cary talked about.   What type of Annuities are available and why would you choose one of another? How does the guarantee work with and Annuity? Is there a minimum buy in to an Annuity? What age groups benefit most from Annuities? What should a client look at to be sure that they’re getting the right Annuity?   For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at www.mone

  • #111 Kevin Leon - Regional VP of Trilogy Financial - Retirement Readiness

    13/03/2015 Duration: 27min

    Getting ready for retirement is a lot trickier than most people realize. For example, did you know that you need at least 70% of your current income as income in retirement?  Well how do you generate that income without a large amount of investment that's had years to compound?  There's also things to consider like, when to take social security for maximum benefit and how do you set retirement up for the greatest tax advantages. Kevin Leon, VP of Trilogy Financial talks with Dino about what it really takes to retire and the type of analysis and financial planning the you must do to make sure you're ready.  Don't find yourself having to work longer than you want to or even worse, don't run out of money in retirement.  Check out this show and get educated. Here are some of the questions Dino asked Kevin: How do I figure out how much I will need in assets to be able to retire? When should I take social security? Are pensions taxable? What is distribution planning? For past shows and to learn more about t

  • #110 Jay Thompson, Setting Up A Business With The End Game In Mind

    10/03/2015 Duration: 27min

    Being a corporate attorney is all about giving sound legal advice to prevent the big problems from happening. Unfortunately, most people don’t call a corporate attorney for advice, they call for crisis management.   Jay Thompson, Corporate Attorney and Partner in Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell, LLC.  came on to give incredible advice about how to properly set up a business so that you’re protected and can grow toward a sale. Here are some of the questions Dino asked: 1. What’s the best way to properly use a corporate attorney? 2. Why would someone choose one entity over another? 3. What’s the difference between ann LLC vs. an S. Corp? 4. What drives the sales price of your company, profits or revenue? 5. Has financing eased up for smaller businesses?

  • #109 Kevin Leon, Regional VP of Trilogy Financial - College Planning 101

    05/03/2015 Duration: 27min

    College tuition is up 7-8% annually and has been on that trend for quite a while, so what should parents do?  What are the most effective ways to save in this inflationary environment?   Kevin Leon, the Regional Vice President for Trilogy Financial provided some great advice regarding highly effective ways to budget and prepare for this enormous expense.  Among them is taking advantage of in-state 529 plans and the distribution of those funds if the child chooses not to attend college.  Kevin and Dino also spoke about:

  • #108 Aaron Hodson, CEO of HarcourtsUSA , The Entrepreneurial Shift

    05/03/2015 Duration: 27min

    Many businesses struggle with adapting to a changing business environment.  It’s admittedly difficult when your new customer base thinks, buys and interacts very differently from your last generation of customers.   We call this phenomenon, the “Entrepreneurial Shift” and it can be extremely challenging for a business owner to navigate.   Fortunately Aaron Hodson (the CEO of Harcourts USA and Dino’s personal business coach) came on the show to discuss the mindset an entrepreneur must have if he wants to be successful, while growing his business in an ever changing marketplace. Here are some of the questions Dino asked Aaron during the show: What were the biggest challenges you faced when you went from employee to entrepreneur? How different is the workday and style of doing business in other countries? Tell me about both the first 60 minutes and last 60 minutes of your day. What is the most useful advice you’ve ever been given? Do you have a favorite book you can recommend to entrepreneurs?

  • #107 Steve Renteria, Regional Manager of Steele Insurance Agency

    26/02/2015 Duration: 27min

    Why do we call life insurance the unsung hero?  Maybe because most people see it as an expense and not an investment, or maybe it's just not very exciting.  Whatever the reason we can all agree that when you need it, it's the greatest thing in the world and we are more than happy that we have it.     Steve Renteria from Steele Insurance Company is our go to guy when it comes to insurance and he never leaves us wanting for information. Here are some of the questions Dino asked Steve in this show.     Steve, Life Insurance can be a difficult subject for a lot of people, most people don’t know where to start when it comes to Life Insurance. Help our listeners out, what are some reasons people need Life Insurance? It seems like there are a lot of products on the market, this can be confusing and overwhelming for some people. Tell us about the different Life Insurance Products?  True or False Question Steve: I have Group Life Insurance through my employer, is this sufficient? How much life insurance does so

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