Money Matters With Dino

#115 Wing Lam - Top Marketing Tips From Entrepreneur Wing Lam



Wing Lam is the Co-Founder of Wahoo’s Fish Tacos and the epitome of a marketing entrepreneur.  In this fascinating show Wing gave a no-holds-barred account of how he built the Wahoo’s empire from one location on the beach of Southern California to 65 locations in 7 states. "The lowest person on the totem pole in your organization needs to be able to execute." - Wing Lam     Tell me about your business…  What do you guys do and who is your client? How did you come up with it? Did you have a partner when you first started? Did you have the money yourself to start or did you borrow from someone or institution? Did you have an MBA like business plan or did you bootstrap it? Tell me about those days Is today’s business different from how it use to be? What do you think of today’s generation as apposed to yours (if different)?