Money Matters With Dino

#114 Kevin Leon - The ABC's of Life Insurance



Many times talking about life insurance can feel like an uncomfortable conversation, but it doesn’t have to be that way.  If you work with the right professional what you’ll realize is that it’s really just about doing the math so that your family is protected.  Life insurance can take care of things like replacing your income, paying off debt, funding college plans and leveraging estate tax issues.   In this show the Regional VP of Trilogy Financial Kevin Leon breaks down the types of life insurance you will need based on your current situation and future goals.  Here are some of the questions Dino asked Kevin: Why should people have life insurance? What types of insurance are available today? How much insurance does a typical family man need? Is work term life insurance any good? What are accelerated benefit riders and do all life insurance policies have these available? What could happen if people do not have coverage and something happens?