Money Matters With Dino

#125 Rebuilding Financially After Divorce



Divorce is on the rise again.  Have you ever sat down to calculate the cost of getting divorced?  How does 6 figures sound to start?   On this show Colleen McNamee from McNamee Mediations and Certified Financial Planner Bart Zandbergen talk to Dino about the enormous financial and emotional cost of divorce.  Here are just some of the questions Dino asked Colleen: When Child Support drops off, does that affect your support? What does the court look at in determining spousal/child support? What if your spouse refuses to get a job? Do you believe alimony should end? After a divorce when you’re starting over, what’s the quickest wat to rebuild financial stability? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help us spread the word. Please rate our show on itunes and leave comments for us. Tell us what insights you took from this episo