Money Matters With Dino

#107 Steve Renteria, Regional Manager of Steele Insurance Agency



Why do we call life insurance the unsung hero?  Maybe because most people see it as an expense and not an investment, or maybe it's just not very exciting.  Whatever the reason we can all agree that when you need it, it's the greatest thing in the world and we are more than happy that we have it.     Steve Renteria from Steele Insurance Company is our go to guy when it comes to insurance and he never leaves us wanting for information. Here are some of the questions Dino asked Steve in this show.     Steve, Life Insurance can be a difficult subject for a lot of people, most people don’t know where to start when it comes to Life Insurance. Help our listeners out, what are some reasons people need Life Insurance? It seems like there are a lot of products on the market, this can be confusing and overwhelming for some people. Tell us about the different Life Insurance Products?  True or False Question Steve: I have Group Life Insurance through my employer, is this sufficient? How much life insurance does so