Money Matters With Dino

#124 The Financial Impact of Divorce on Retirement Plans & Social Security



Nobody like talking about divorce, but here’s the thing…if you don’t you can cost yourself tens of thousands of dollars.   On this show Colleen McNamee from McNamee Mediations talks to Dino about the problems that divorce causes for your retirement plans and social security.  Here are just some of the questions Dino asked Colleen: How about social security? I’ve been told my ex-wife get my benefit but my current wife won’t? What happens when a couple refinances a property that belonged to one spouse before the marriage and then they get divorced? What happens to property in a divorce with spouse being deported because of the lack of a green card? How do I get my marital share of my husband’s retirement plan? When child support drops off, does that affect your spousal support amount? For past shows and to learn more about the Money matters With Dino community, check us out at  Join us on Facebook for updates and please like our page.   Help u