The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 38:11:05
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One of my personal and business goals is to make a positive impact on people. Make an impact on my family, on other people, businesses, and in my community.I am a Digital Strategist and former General Sales Manager in the auto industry. I am considered by many an expert in automotive call centers and phone sales (BDC). I’ve done just about everything in an automotive dealership setting, and I still really enjoy selling cars! I love the study of psychology and the art of sales and negotiation (and there is an art to both).My coaching career started early. I got my first break at a roller rink by training and coaching in youth inline hockey at age 17. I worked hard at teaching and pulling the best out of youth and adult hockey players; this quickly transcended to coaching individuals with school work and then business work and from there personal coaching and business consulting for success!I have sold many retail products beginning in my teens; roller skates, sporting equipment, and then when eBay first came online – this was where I got my first taste of having to really market individual products. I had to build ads and create an online experience so that people would buy.Overall, my sales career took off, developed multiple facets and was polished when entering the Auto Industry in 2004. From that time, through some great mentors, and investing time and training in myself I have consistently been a top producer in any position I have held.I enjoy public speaking on motivation, goal setting, and sales training. Getting others pumped and fired up. I love any area involving personal development and being able to grow and push others to the top of their game.My specialties in business include: Sales Training, Motivational Training, Leadership Training, Social Media Marketing, Individual Negotiation, Finance, Lender and Loan Negotiation, Business Management Consulting, Blogging, Podcasting, Digital Video (YouTube), Contract Law.---Thank you for tuning in! ?--I hope that you keep up with website, social media, and me, Mike Phillips, making the magic happen online.? Subscribe to My YouTube Channel Here - Me Online Here:Facebook: http://LeadTheTeam.netPodcast:


  • Stay Positive! Some Ways To Do It! (The FRONT #63)

    28/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    First, let’s talk about WHY to stay positive. When you are happy, upbeat and positive. It promotes self-confidence. It improves creative and cognitive thinking. It improves emotional state for things like happiness, joy, and love. And, when we are in a good emotional state, people will normally produce a higher number of actions… in general. So happy people do and accomplish more. So let’s talk about a few ways to STAY positive. Be deliberate about what you put into your brain. Start with turning off the news. Engage with the right people. Read books. Listen to motivational content (podcasts) rather than the radio. Eat right, get good sleep, and exercise. Eat the right things, the right times and so on. You can’t live on just cookies and get fat, and wonder why you don’t have any energy… it’s because you are overweight and only eat cookies. Make deliberate time to go to the gym, or if not the gym, walk around the neighborhood. Go for a walk with your spouse, and kids, make a conn

  • When Seeking Out Expert Advice [Help] (The FRONT #62)

    25/01/2018 Duration: 09min

    When you are seeking out expert advice, or when asking for help - is today's topic. Once you have made it into management or leadership, or maybe you are now considered an expert in a particular field. Sometimes it becomes difficult to ask for assistance, especially in the area you are supposed to be excellent at. I come across this with friends of mine, and in fact myself sometimes. Let me give you an example – let’s say you are a top producing salesperson and you have hit a slump. Where do you turn for advice? Or do you ask for advice… or help to get out of your slump? See, with so many people, it is really hard to bruise our own ego and ask for help from other sources. Because if for at least a moment, it means first and foremost, that we have to admit the ultimate truth to ourselves… that we don’t have the answer! Here I have come up with four other reasons that people, any people, not just experts, won’t ask for help!? Fear of being a bother. They don’t want to be a bother t

  • The Invest Episode (The FRONT #61)

    22/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    You MUST invest in important things! So let’s first talk about what investing means. INVEST – To expend money or resources with the expectation of achieving a profit, material result and/or increase in resources by putting it into financial options, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a venture. TIME is one of our most powerful and important resources. You see most resources such as money, food, or other materials, even staff members can be drawn on and then replace.  As they deplete you can often replace them in other manners or with multiple techniques and approaches. Time, however, is not replaceable all have the same amount in a day. You have to invest your time wisely. To Invest My Energy There are all kinds of things that we can invest in. We can invest in personal growth, in ourselves, we can invest in our businesses, we can invest in our people, we can invest in our families, there are many other ways in which we can invest our time and our energy and our reso

  • Level Awareness (The FRONT #60)

    15/01/2018 Duration: 12min

    What is level awareness? As a leader, it is being competent in where your individual people and teams are at. As an individual, it is knowing yourself, knowing your ability and being confident to compete at that level. Competing at the highest level is not just about winning. It's about preparation, courage, it's the journey. You have to understand and nurture your people and speak to their hearts. Win their hearts and their heads will follow. Winning then is the result. It is important to know what level you are at. It's also important as a coach to be aware of what level your players are at. Though business may not be exactly like sports, I love the analogies that compare sports to business. I think there is a lot of relevance regarding the comparison between sports and business. It’s important as a coach, leader, manager, maybe even as a parent, to have those conversations so that your team, employees, and kids can accel. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of "THE FRONT."

  • Monitor and Measure When It’s Important (The FRONT #59)

    11/01/2018 Duration: 13min

    Monitor and measure all the time, yes, it's always important. This episode is geared heavily toward the automotive space and third-party vendors. Performance measurement starts with the target and goal setting! Many people think that they should begin measuring once you have a set target. As a key leader, it is your job to begin by determining realistic targets. Targets based on past performance and adjusting as necessary. When you are monitoring, your system must be efficient and consistent and it has to be duplicatable. Often auto dealers or other businesses think to themselves, well I want to increase sales this month, so I’ll measure this metric this month. You have to determine what are the real keys… and then measure them every month… until you don’t anymore. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is something that is measurable and allows you to tell when you have achieved a specific goal or set of goals, or not. When setting the goals and the specific targets, KPI’s for each go

  • In Sales, Seeing Is Believing (The FRONT #58)

    08/01/2018 Duration: 12min

    Actually, In most anything, seeing is believing. Especially in leadership positions. The reason is because once someone can see something take place, or they see a goal get accomplished it starts to change how their perception is. Taking action is especially important for people in management and leadership roles. When those in leadership take action to show others how to accomplish a goal or task, they get buy-in. The people that work along-side, or for them, start to understand what to do and how to do it. Watching these people perform the tasks they are asking for, carries much more weight than just a "story-telling session" about the good old days. If you are in a leadership role in your organization it is important to continue to be brilliant at the basic tasks that got you into your position in the first place. Don't abandon the things that got you to where you are. If you continue to do those things and show others how to do those things you will be unstoppable. SHOW people

  • What Are You Doing? (The FRONT #57)

    04/01/2018 Duration: 04min

    The New Year is here... what are you doing? Have you gotten started on what you said you were going to get started on? You just finished your resolutions three days ago. It's time to start taking some action! I am a huge fan of taking action and getting going right now. You know, living your life on "AA's" - actions and attitude. Those are two things that you dominate and have complete control over. What actions are you going to take... and how are you going to approach your day? HAVE A SMILE ON YOUR FACE! It's important. So tune in now! Thank you for listening, watching, and reading! Please subscribe for updates! Give likes and thumbs ups.  Let's go have a stellar 2018! #MUCHLOVE Download This Episode Now!  

  • 2017 Is Out! 2018 Is In! Happy New Year! (The FRONT #56)

    01/01/2018 Duration: 02min

    Happy New Year! Time keeps marching on and moving forward!  I hope you have a fun, exciting and Prosperous New Year 2018! On New Year's Eve, last year, many were claiming that 2017 would be the best year ever!!! How quickly those statements and resolutions can become abandoned and forgotten. Fast forward one year... 2018 will be the best year ever!!! So the "they" say... Each and every year we will take out of it the good, the bad and the ugly, and we always have the opportunity to make the upcoming year the best one yet! Happy New Year! Download This Episode Now!

  • 2018, Don't Abandon The Basics! (The FRONT #55)

    28/12/2017 Duration: 08min

    2018... You need to stay true to the basics!  Don't... Abandon... The... Basics! If you are anywhere online right now, there are stories and ads all over the place that are urging you to make your resolutions! In fact, many of the articles are similar to... "9 Steps for Success, in 2018!" "Here is how to conquer everything in 2018!" "New Year, New You!" You know the drill. Just google 2018 New years resolutions and prepare to be bombarded. Here is the number one thing that will keep you successful in 2018 - staying true to yourself and staying true to your basic principles. The core processes and principles that got you to see success in your past, will be the launch of your future success as well. If you're in sales, for example, stay rooted in your basic sales process. Whatever your process is, stay true to that core. You should always be on the lookout for new and innovative ideas, processes and products - but, don't lose sight of your core. Add-ons should bring value to the wa

  • Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (The FRONT #54)

    24/12/2017 Duration: 01min

    Merry Christmas! Thank you to everybody who has watched or listened to an episode of "THE FRONT" this year. 2017 has been an amazing year. Both in the auto business and doing my podcasts and YouTube videos. I have made some amazing connections this year and look forward to an awesome upcoming 2018. To those of you who have read and contributed in the blog, the people that I have met in person or connected to online. Thank you! So, from Lead The Team, from myself and from my whole family! Merry Christmas! (or if you don't do Christmas, that's cool, do your thing!) and Happy Holidays! #MUCHLOVE -Mike Download This Episode Now!

  • Conversation And Connection Are A Commodity (The FRONT #53)

    20/12/2017 Duration: 13min

    The art of conversation and connection with other people is valuable! I was in a training session yesterday talking about “the greeting” in a sales process. And during the conversation, it came around to a few topics. The topics of actual real connection with another human being. And the art of having a conversation. A commodity is defined as something of value. Such as time. Both conversations and real connections take a time investment! Actually what the topic came around to was how to sell millennials. How is it possible? Just google that topic – it is crazy that there are so many pieces of training, topics, tips, webinars on how to sell to the millennial generation. Have we lost it that badly? This generation is just like any other generation when it comes to connecting with other people. Look people in the eye, show them you care about them, make a real connection and then help navigate the process with them. I am still a believer that one of the best ways to sell anything is

  • Is It All About The Daily Grind? (The FRONT #52)

    18/12/2017 Duration: 10min

    Time to rise and grind! First, let me give a shout out to Jim Kristoff who offered me the inspiration for today. You can see Jim’s Sunday morning post that I am talking about here. This got my creativity flowing today and made me think. Jim made this comment: “Rise and grind?? If you have to grind, you're doing it wrong! Rise, conquer and love what you do!” I love this! Yes, I absolutely agree with a great work ethic and “the GRIND.” But I think this just nailed it on the head for me this morning and summed up some of my thoughts on passion and love in your work. You have to rise and plan. (Check out this prior episode of the FRONT titled, "Your First 30") You must have a plan for progress throughout your day. What do you want to accomplish? What is your daily set of goals that will allow you to conquer your big goals? These things can turn what’s in your head and your heart into something you can wrap your hands around. Many people just get up and go through the motions. People

  • Three Success Principles (The FRONT #51)

    14/12/2017 Duration: 09min

    Here are three success principles regarding, WHAT, WHO and HOW! Today in my episode I am covering these three principles of success: What you know. Who you know. How you continue to grow! These are definitely not the ONLY three principles that contribute to success, they are very strong ones. I think each of these principles contributes to one another. There is no first, second, third, they are all equally important to one another. If you have additional ideas for guiding principles that you use, please share those thoughts in the comments! Thank you for reading, watching, or listening. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel here - http://www.LeadTheTeam.TV, give the video a "thumbs up" and make sure to share with your friends and on your social media.  Download This Episode Now!

  • What is THE FRONT? (The FRONT #50)

    11/12/2017 Duration: 10min

    Welcome... to THE FRONT #50! It really is crazy to me how quickly time flies. I’ve been producing new episodes of “The FRONT” for over six months now! I get several questions that pop through my inbox with things like, “Wow! I loved the last show, but what exactly do you cover in other episodes?” – OR – “Good show! Where do you get the content?” Let me give a little background - I started podcasting back in 2010. And I do it because it’s FUN! It’s a great way to get a message out and help others to grow and make an impact on people. IN 2010 and 2011 I recorded close to 80 episodes of my original podcast “RE-ignition” – That show was all about lighting your fire, getting re-motivated and fired up in sales. You can listen to past episodes through my blog here – – on Libsyn or listen to the audio on YouTube. One of the tough parts like so many online interactions – is you never really know who will connect with your content, or even who sees it. SO it

  • Work Is Greater Than Want (The FRONT #49)

    07/12/2017 Duration: 11min

    Working hard and having a good work ethic is greater than just dreams and desires. My wife was perusing the depth’s of the internet today and she saw this statement. “How do I sit in my bed for the rest of my life but also become a billionaire at the same time?” And I thought for a moment, wow… that would be great! I’d also like to become a billionaire in my pajama’s… Now I know, that currently people are springing up all over the place with idea’s and products, and appear to be “overnight successes” – but, I can assure you, that for most, that is not the case. You have to actually put in work, you cannot just sit back and dream. I am constantly amazed by some things. One thing that amazes me today… the number of questions or inquiries on Google for people who want to become billionaires and do so in a short amount of time and preferably without any real action or work to achieve it. I understand that people want to dream big but here is a maybe harsh dose of reality. There is no

  • Three Keys To Sales Success (The FRONT #48)

    03/12/2017 Duration: 08min

    These are my 3 keys to sales success! In the past week, I have been really living in my core. Sales and training. I have just been absorbed with training myself, re-training, getting involved with good books and videos. I really love these two things. They are deeply who I am. Sales has always been in my blood. I think it started when I was about six… and convinced my mom to drive to Denver (an hour away from us) so that I could get this new transforming robot toy – a GoBot. (Yeah if you don’t know what those are, they were before the transformers and way less cool than they are today.) That story is for another time… it’s just one of those things thinking back, that now, I feel I can pinpoint where I get some of the sales approach from. So fast forward to today… to become successful and excellent in sales and I mean sales of any product or service – I believe you need these three things. Note, these are not the ONLY three things you must master – I think these are key. I have mentioned these in past episodes

  • Sales Call Reminders (The FRONT #47)

    30/11/2017 Duration: 13min

    These are simple, not necessarily easy, sales call reminders and training. First, let me give a shout out to Leona Willener who is here in Colorado Springs and posted on LinkedIn this morning about Time Zones and B2B salespeople. (Leona’s post is right here)This was what got my creative juices flowing today and made me think… sometimes, we have to review just the real basics! Yes, I know it’s crazy today with texting, and social media messengers, emails, and so many methods of communication. I’m still a huge fan of the phone call. True. Like actually picking up the phone and calling, you know, “reaching out to touch someone.” (Maybe you’re not old enough for that … it was an old AT&T slogan or commercial) I personally think the phone call and the phone message are sometimes becoming a “lost art” including in sales. Because people want to continually be new and innovative and find new ways to reach their customer base. But, sometimes, the old ways come back into style. Just li

  • Feeding Your Mind Right! (The FRONT #46)

    27/11/2017 Duration: 09min

    I have heard it said, that you are what you feed your mind. One of my favorite quotes, in fact, is by Napoleon Hill, and it says, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” This is a repeated theory from the Bible – Matthew 7:7 (NLT) “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. With all of the media we consume in our daily lives now, the default seems to be negative information feed. You MUST be deliberate in seeking out the positive. You must be deliberate in feeding your mind with inspiration, motivation, and training. The key word in that Bible verse. KEEP, as in keep going, to continue. There is a message about consistency! And, one problem in our current high-speed internet society is that right now since information IS so readily available… we want the answer immediately and if we can get answers that quickly… we want results in the same time frame.

  • Giving Thanks. (The FRONT #45)

    23/11/2017 Duration: 07min

    Giving Thanks. Happy Thanksgiving 2017! For many of people, Thanksgiving usually includes giant turkey and feasting, four-day weekends, football games, floats, family. And then of course… it’s finally the okay for Christmas music to be on the radio and Santa with his elves to adorn the local shops. Thanksgiving as a holiday tradition has been around for hundreds of years. And has been a recognized holiday celebrated in the US for decades. In the Bible, the meaning of thanksgiving reflected adoration, sacrifice, and praise. Thanksgiving was being grateful to God and an act of worship. It was not often that thanksgiving would be extended to a person or group or people. The thanks and praise is to God. Chronicles 16:34 ~ Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 100:4 ~ Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. Take the time first to give thanks and praise God on this Thanksgiving day. And while I

  • Rockstar Auto Conference Vegas Recap (The FRONT #44)

    20/11/2017 Duration: 01min

    This is a video recap from my trip to Las Vegas and The Rockstar Automotive Conference (#RACV) This auto conference was really a fun and phenomenal event! It is hosted by Mat Koenig and Chris Speer - and WOW - did they put on a show! I hadn't attended the Rockstar Conference prior, so I went in not knowing 100% what to expect. Of course, like many conferences, they offered tangible, real-world tactics. There were sessions and speakers on SEO, SEM, Facebook, Sales Training, and all of the automotive fare you would expect. But, there was more than that. There were some amazing people with character that you could tell are guided by positive moral principles, that presented sessions. The connections with the other people in attendance as well as the speakers were really genuine. For me, it was kind of like #AutomotiveHollywood, because there were so many awesome people I wanted to meet... and the Rockstar delivered. So here we go, I managed to get this video recap to just under 20 minutes (even with the intro!)

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