Transform Your Mind

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 126:19:57
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Myrna Young, Life Coach, interviews experts and thought Leaders every week and offers solo coaching sessions, to Transform your Mind so you can Transform your Life. The bible teaches that we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Each success or failure begins in the mind. The Transform your Mind podcast helps you renovate your mind and increase your capacity for success. So tune each week in to strengthen your mind, body connection and Live your best life now!


  • What are the, Secrets to Success,? Here are my 10 Secrets

    16/11/2018 Duration: 47min

    I do believe that success leaves Clues, As a successful Author, Life Coach, Realtor, and Radio Host, these are my, secrets to success,My story is probably similar to a lot of people that reached success. Most successful people start off with nothing and I was no exception. Today I am sharing my story on the , secrets of success, podcast with Dr Ken Keis. I was born in a British Guyana, which is in South America. We have a Caribbean culture, so we consider ourselves part of the Caribbean Islands; but we're really South American. When I was born Guyana was very poor country, it still is a Third World country. Both my mom and my grandmother were domestic servants and we didn't have much. My Dad taught me at a very early age the value of education to elevate ourselves out of poverty. He was very smart. When I was born he was in Teachers College and went on to get his PH.D in in London in his early thirties. I'm submerging myself right now in in in the book “The Biology of Belief” by Dr. Bruce Lipton and I'm un

  • Life After Death, How an Atheist Became a Believer

    06/11/2018 Duration: 58min

    Is there, life after death,? One day Nancy Rynes was an, Atheist, not believing in God and after her NDE, she is bringing us, messages from Heaven. In this episode of the Transform Your Mind with coach Myrna, we are diving deep into the unknown world of, life after death, I am speaking today with Nancy Rynes. Nancy is the author of, Awakenings from the Light.. a book about her, near death experience, This episode will, transform your mind, on our spiritual bodies answer the question is there, life after death,? Here is Nancy's story: •While riding her bicycle, Nancy Rynes was struck by a large SUV. The vehicle’s driver who was completely absorbed in texting, plowed into Nancy, dragging both her and her bike down the street. The driver who was unaware that she had struck anyone, finally came to a stop when horrified onlookers ran into the road blocking the vehicle.•Suffering multiple broken bones, internal injuries, several severe spinal and head injuries, Rynes knew she was dying. At that moment, she unde

  • The, Quest for Purpose, Six Holistic Ways to Finding your Purpose

    01/11/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    What is your, quest for purpose,? All of us are seeking for some kind of purpose. In this episode Dr. Ken Keis coaches on six holistic approaches or benchmarks to your, quest for purpose,. Intro to our topic:Dr. Ken Keis, is a highly sought-after author, speaker, trainer, podcast host, and TV and media guest. His latest books include: Why Aren't You More Like Me?, Deliberate Leadership, and The Quest For Purpose.So many people listening have been trapped down a pathway that was really sort of conditioned from their background. I woke one morning and asked myself if this was what I wanted to be doing in 20 years from now, and the answer was no. So, I immediately took action. I decided to qui farming and hired a coach to help me figure out what I wanted to do in life. My, quest for purpose, began. What was my purpose in life? The answer, to help others to live, lead and work on purpose. My coach passed away from cancer many years ago now, and I just took his process and then added and enhanced it. Basical

  • How to Use the Universal, Law of Action, for Success in Life

    23/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    On Today's episode "5 Minutes with Coach Myrna", I teach How to Use the Universal, Law of Action, to achieve Success in Life In the first episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I shared the First Universal Law “The Law of Divine Oneness” If you missed that episode please download. I am teaching on the 12 Universal Laws because they are the blue print for a life by design. They are the rules of the game. Life is the only job that we don’t get a manual for and most of us leave this body as clueless as when we were born. Today I want to teach on the:The second Universal Law the, Law of Action,Successful people are future oriented so if you are not taking action towards a vision or goal, you will remain stagnant. Movement creates energy. Newton First Law states - A body in motion stays in motion. If you, take action, towards your goals you will attain them. If you take, MASSIVE action, towards your goals you will attain them much much faster. 1.Because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, your hi

  • Electromagnetic Pollution, How to Reduce Exposure

    18/10/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    What is, electromagnetic pollution,? Don Paris PH.D answers this question and teaches us how to reduce our risk from cell phones, microwave ovens, wi-fi etc. Today on the Transform your Mind with coach Myrna podcast, I continue my conversation with Don Paris, PH.D. Don is an expert in the field of, radionics, electromagnetic pollution, and subtle energies in the spiritual dimension. iTunes Don Paris, Ph.D. is a published author, speaker, video producer, and musician. His book, Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions has been published internationally in German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, and English. He is known as the guru of the SE-5, the world’s most respected subtle energy instrument. He is well loved for his style of bringing challenging concepts into an easy to understand language and has been a popular speaker at the Global Sciences Congress, Congress of Spiritual Scientists and the United States Psychotronics Association. He has created the most detailed explanation of the principl

  • How to Regain Wholeness with, Radionics,

    11/10/2018 Duration: 01h33s

    Don Paris, PH.D takes us through the history of, Radionics, and how the science of, Radionics, allows us to get information from subtle dimensional realities. •Don Paris, Ph.D. is a published author, speaker, video producer, and musician. His book, Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions has been published internationally in German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, and English. He is known as the guru of the SE-5, the world’s most respected subtle energy instrument. He is well loved for his style of bringing challenging concepts into an easy to understand language and has been a popular speaker at the Global Sciences Congress, Congress of Spiritual Scientists and the United States Psychotronics Association. He has created the most detailed explanation of the principles of Radionics and the most advanced training courses in the entire field. He began exploring the subtle dimensions in the early seventies, and has now trained people in over 30 countries around the world in the workings of Radionics a

  • How to Overcome the Pain of Domestic Violence and Child Molestation

    04/10/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    My guest today shares her story of years of, domestic violence, she was verbally and physically abused by her parents and then continued the cycle into abusive relationships, one of them almost killing her. After her last abusive relationship ended, she discovered that he was sexually molesting her 7 year old daughter. Shermomicia tells a powerful story of how she is stopping the cycle of, domestic violence, and healing her family. SHOW NOTES Domestic Abuse and Childhood Trauma Shermonicia tell me your back story. I know you're studying for your masters rightnow but can you take us through your journey to this point in your life. I have three sisters and one brother. The four of us growing up with my mother and father they were both on drugs. My whole entire life was abusive. I am also a victim of sexual molestation. I was sexually attacked when I was like seven or eight. It was hard growing up with both parents on drugs. I have three kids with 3 different men who were all abusive. I'm going to talk abou

  • Dating with Purpose: Motivated to Marry

    24/09/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Amy Schoen, dating and relationship coach share How to understand the mindset of the, Motivated to Marry, and the rules for dating with a purpose, Be sure to subscribe on iTunes, iHeart radio, TuneIn radio, Google Play, Stitcher Spotify podcast players, and RATE and REVIEW. For over 14 years Amy Schoen, a professional certified life and relationship coach, has helped marriage-minded men and women get off the dating merry-go-round and finally find their life partner. She also helps her clients build a loving, committed relationship that lead to marriage, if that is their goal. •With the proven, Motivated to Marry, © Dating Secrets Coaching Program, Amy’s clients discover what they truly want in a life partner, often finding their "perfect" match, within 6 months to a year's time! Finally they can now direct their energies towards being with their life partner, friends and family and enjoying their life pursuits. •Amy is the Author of, “Motivated to Marry,- Now There’s a Better Method to Dating and Relatio

  • How to Treat, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Teenage Girls

    13/09/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls, usually develops for girls who have been sexually abused, neglected, or abandoned. Author and social worker, Kenya Aissa joins the, Transform Your Mind Podcast, to share strategies to develop Life Skills and conscious programs for teenage girls with, post traumatic stress disorder.Google PlayTransform Your Mind iTunes IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:How to cultivate consciousness and life skills for, Post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls, Today I am speaking with author, Kenya E. Aissa, MS, is a Social Worker whose experience counseling girls, ages 12-22, has given her valuable insight into their thoughts on the validity of spiritual practice. As a primary counselor in a residential drug rehabilitation program created specifically for traumatized girls (one of only a handful of such programs in the U.S.), Ms. Aissa created and implemented a weekly spirituality group. In the next few years, she discovered that confusion, insecurity, and fearfulness are pe

  • How to Apply, the Law of Divine Oneness, to your Life

    08/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    Welcome to the Transform your Mind - 5 mins with Coach Myrna. In this episode we will discuss, The Law of Divine Oneness, and how to apply it in your life. You may have heard the statement "We are spiritual beings having a human experience" well it is true. We are extensions of source energy also called God or the Universe. We are made up of a body, soul and spirit. of us never expand our consciousness beyond the physical body that we can see and touch, but that is only one part of our true self. We came into this physical body with a purpose, and that is to grow and evolve. So we embarked on this game. We can call it the game of life or we can call it the matrix! We are living in a matrix! And just like the matrix, there are rules in how you play the game. The rules are the laws of the Universe. The first Law we will discuss is, The Law of Divine Oneness,If you are a bible scholar you will recognize lots of parallels between the

  • 10 Ways, Childhood Trauma, Impact Adults in Life and Love

    03/09/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    10 ways that, childhood trauma, can sabotage your love life and relationships. Relationship Coach Riana Milne joins The Transform your Mind podcast to discuss, childhood trauma, and how it impacts our adult life. Riana is the best selling author of "Love Beyond your Dreams" and "From Fear and Doubt to Personal Power, Purpose and Success." For anyone who have had trouble maintaining healthy relationships, listen to find out if your have any of the, childhood trauma, that can affect your love relationships. THIS EPISODE YOU'LL LEARN:How does, childhood trauma, impact adults in life and love? Riana goes over ten, childhood traumas, and relate them back to how they show up in our lives as an adult. To get the most out of this topic, Riana advise the listeners to Get a sheet of paper and make three columns. The first column you put “ME”, the second column you put “Your partner” and the third column you put “Your parents” because resear

  • How to, Find your Soulmate

    27/08/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    How to, find your Soulmate,, we'll have tips today on, how we attract our soulmate, how to live with him or her, and have out of body physical love! Today I am continuing my talk with International renowned author Ilona Selkie. Our topic is, “How to, find your Soulmate,” an International best-selling author, Seminar leader, Lecturer, Musician, CEO and co-founder of Living from Vision. For over thirty years, Ilona has inspired thousands of peopleworldwide to discover the power of their consciousness and to create successfullives. Ilona has written four books one of them we're going to touch on today because inthat book she specifically she talks about how to, find your soulmate. That book is called“Dolphins Love and Destiny” Ilona’s newest book is called “Dream Big, the Universe isListening” my first interview with Ilona, On the Transform your mind with coach M

  • Systemic Injustice – Immigration

    09/08/2018 Duration: 51min

    Today I share my personal immigration story and how I am willing to help undocumented immigrants apply for, permanent residence, in the USA. I am recording this episode a few hours after God touched me and inspired a core part of my being to help with Systemic injustice immigration, I know that God touched me because I couldn't stop weeping. I know that our emotions signal our true self. Google PlayFrom the moment I started worshiping God this morning during praise and worship I was plugged in. I felt reverence, I was reminded of what God has done for me in this life. He has brought me a mighty long way. Then my pastor Dr William Glover from Mt Hermon Ministries in Fort Myers, FL began his message. He said that today he was going to teach on the difference between personal evil and systemic evil. He explained that the evil that we do personally is usually between us and God. The husband who is committing adultery is hurting himself and his wife but it does not affect his neighbor. Then there is systemic evil

  • Using the Law of Attraction to Thrive in your Relationships

    01/08/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    How can the, Law of Attraction, help you to thrive at home and at work? NYT best selling author Christy Whitman tells us how on the "Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna" podcast. Christy is the author of "Quantum Success 7 essential laws, for a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money"I'm your host coach Myrna Young This is a, personal development, lifecoaching podcast, and a Guyana podcast, Today I am speaking again to 2 Times New York Bestselling author Ms Christy Whitman. Christy is also the author of “The Art of having It All”, Perfect Pictures, and “Taming your Alpha Bitch” and she has a new book that's coming out in September that's called, "Quantum Success, 7 essential laws, for a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money" I am so excited to be talking again to Christy. This is our second in a series of 3. Our topic today is coming directly from Christie's new book. Befor

  • How to Dream Big in the Quantum Matrix

    23/07/2018 Duration: 59min PlayShow TranscriptIlona Selke, shares The concept of dream big, is to not let yourself become small. Not just react to what life's dishing out. Today on the Transform Your Mind with Coach Myrna podcast. I am Coach Myrna Young and I am so excited to be talking to international best-selling author Ilona Selke. Ilona is travelling the USA directly from Bali where she spends seven months of a year. So envious, Ilona is promoting her new book, “Dream Big, the Universe is Listening” I want to introduce our topic by saying that you're not going to believe How the Universe is listening to me! Today we're going to be talking about shifting your reality in the quantum of matrix, I meditate every morning and then I go walking and meditate some more while I listen to podcasts. This morning I was listening to the Hay House World Summit podcast and the guest was Dr. Bruce Lipton, he was setting up that Quantum mechanics or the quantum field is the

  • The Secret to Having it All

    17/07/2018 Duration: 59min topic today , The secret to , Having it all, Welcome to the Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna radio show and podcast, I am your Host Coach Myrna Young and today I am speaking to New York Times Best Selling author of the book “The Art of, Having at All” Ms Christy Whitman. I am so honored to be talking to Christy today. I Want to thank everyone for tuning in today to on the radio at in Metro Atlanta. This podcast is distributed to iTunes, TuneIn radio, Stitcher, Google play and now also on iHeart radio.Show Transcript Christy you have such a wealth of knowledge, that I know that both myself and my listening audience is going to learn so

  • How to Fuel Your Personal Growth as a Millennial

    12/07/2018 Duration: 50min

    Are you a Millennial or parent of a Millennial? In today's show we talk, personal growth, with the author of the Millennial's Playbook to Adulting, Ms Arika Pierce Show Transcript: Today what we want to focus on is giving Millennial's some clarity on, personal growth, and development. We both know that learning should not stop when you leave school. What advice would you give Millennials to keep growing? Millennials are in the growth stage of life, what advice would you give them? I know in your book you touch on quite a few, let me count them one two three four you know you've got a bit of a ten tips. We don't have time to talk about all the ten, but pick some of the top ones and share how you would advise Millennials to keep growing. I think especially after you get out of school and Millennials, are sort of over trying to learn from textbooks, people are just exhausted from that textbook and learning from your professors and things like that; but I do encourage Millennials to become students o

  • How to Find Love, the Second Time Around

    02/07/2018 Duration: 54min

    "How to Find love, second time around," Transform Your Mind podcast Do you feel the need to do more with your life? Are limiting beliefs holding youback from true success? Enjoy a unique blend of interviews discussions andtransformation coaching on every podcast. Get the tools for success in every podcast. Today my guest is Ms Patricia Fuqua. Patricia is abest-selling author, award-winning motivational speaker, and relationshipexpert, specializing in, second time around, today we're going be talking onthe topic “How to find your diamond the, second time around,” I amgoing to enjoy talking to you because I've been around more than twice! Before we get into our show today, I want to tell you abouta contest that I'm having for the next four weeks. This contest is a perfectfit with topic and our guest today because you have the opportunity to win a VIP annual subscription to Mix_Amore the newesthottest dating app as seen on Shark Tank. This one a year FREE membership includes video instant messenger,

  • How Can Millennial’s Find Their Purpose

    25/06/2018 Duration: 49min

    As Millennial's deal with adulting, they ask themselves, What is my purpose? What is the reason for my existence? Today on the "Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna Podcast", I interview the Author of "The Millenial's Playbook to Adulting", Arika L. Pierce The first step is to find your passion. This is where you find that you can be in it all day long and you don't feel tired and you don't feelbored and you're just illuminated and just joyful and and it's a great wayto live your life. You know when you livea passionless life just because you're making money does not mean that you are living with passion. Let me share a personal story. My daughter always felt that she was supposed to be aPsychologist, getting her degree and everything. Along that journeyshe read Nelson's Mandela's book "A long walk to freedom" and decided thatshe needed to become a political advocate and she just switched rightaway. She applied and got into American University,the top political science university with no background i

  • The Millennial Playbook: Unpacking Limiting Beliefs

    18/06/2018 Duration: 54min

    00:19Welcome to the Transform your Mind Radio00:23Show and Podcast my name is Myrna Young00:27Certified Professional Coach, Author and00:31Your Host. Each week I bring you an inspiring00:38guest or a solo coaching session 00:43to Help you Live your Best Lives Now00:48by transforming your mindset. Thanks00:52for tuning in today and I hope that this00:55segment meets you at your point of need. 01:05Today we start a new series with the01:17author of the Millennial Playbook Ms01:21Erica L Pierce. Arica is going to be01:27starting off our discussion today01:31unpacking how limiting beliefs can01:35destroy your self-confidence. 01:37Welcome Arica, Thank you so much for being on the show.01:41I'm not happy to be here. I am01:44going to enjoy our conversation. I am at01:47The mother of a Millennial, so 01:51thank you so much for sending me a copy01:53of your book. It is an awesome book and I01:55plan to share it when I'm done with it.01:57Yeah you're welcome02:00all right well before we get started02:04with our sh

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