Transform Your Mind

What are the, Secrets to Success,? Here are my 10 Secrets



I do believe that success leaves Clues, As a successful Author, Life Coach, Realtor, and Radio Host, these are my, secrets to success,My story is probably similar to a lot of people that reached success. Most successful people start off with nothing and I was no exception. Today I am sharing my story on the , secrets of success, podcast with Dr Ken Keis. I was born in a British Guyana, which is in South America. We have a Caribbean culture, so we consider ourselves part of the Caribbean Islands; but we're really South American. When I was born Guyana was very poor country, it still is a Third World country. Both my mom and my grandmother were domestic servants and we didn't have much. My Dad taught me at a very early age the value of education to elevate ourselves out of poverty. He was very smart. When I was born he was in Teachers College and went on to get his PH.D in in London in his early thirties. I'm submerging myself right now in in in the book “The Biology of Belief” by Dr. Bruce Lipton and I'm un