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Dating with Purpose: Motivated to Marry



Amy Schoen, dating and relationship coach share How to understand the mindset of the, Motivated to Marry, and the rules for dating with a purpose, Be sure to subscribe on iTunes, iHeart radio, TuneIn radio, Google Play, Stitcher Spotify podcast players, and RATE and REVIEW. For over 14 years Amy Schoen, a professional certified life and relationship coach, has helped marriage-minded men and women get off the dating merry-go-round and finally find their life partner. She also helps her clients build a loving, committed relationship that lead to marriage, if that is their goal. •With the proven, Motivated to Marry, © Dating Secrets Coaching Program, Amy’s clients discover what they truly want in a life partner, often finding their "perfect" match, within 6 months to a year's time! Finally they can now direct their energies towards being with their life partner, friends and family and enjoying their life pursuits. •Amy is the Author of, “Motivated to Marry,- Now There’s a Better Method to Dating and Relatio