Transform Your Mind

How to Overcome the Pain of Domestic Violence and Child Molestation



My guest today shares her story of years of, domestic violence, she was verbally and physically abused by her parents and then continued the cycle into abusive relationships, one of them almost killing her. After her last abusive relationship ended, she discovered that he was sexually molesting her 7 year old daughter. Shermomicia tells a powerful story of how she is stopping the cycle of, domestic violence, and healing her family. SHOW NOTES Domestic Abuse and Childhood Trauma Shermonicia tell me your back story. I know you're studying for your masters rightnow but can you take us through your journey to this point in your life. I have three sisters and one brother. The four of us growing up with my mother and father they were both on drugs. My whole entire life was abusive. I am also a victim of sexual molestation. I was sexually attacked when I was like seven or eight. It was hard growing up with both parents on drugs. I have three kids with 3 different men who were all abusive. I'm going to talk abou