Transform Your Mind

Electromagnetic Pollution, How to Reduce Exposure



What is, electromagnetic pollution,? Don Paris PH.D answers this question and teaches us how to reduce our risk from cell phones, microwave ovens, wi-fi etc. Today on the Transform your Mind with coach Myrna podcast, I continue my conversation with Don Paris, PH.D. Don is an expert in the field of, radionics, electromagnetic pollution, and subtle energies in the spiritual dimension. iTunes Don Paris, Ph.D. is a published author, speaker, video producer, and musician. His book, Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Dimensions has been published internationally in German, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, and English. He is known as the guru of the SE-5, the world’s most respected subtle energy instrument. He is well loved for his style of bringing challenging concepts into an easy to understand language and has been a popular speaker at the Global Sciences Congress, Congress of Spiritual Scientists and the United States Psychotronics Association. He has created the most detailed explanation of the principl