Transform Your Mind

The, Quest for Purpose, Six Holistic Ways to Finding your Purpose



What is your, quest for purpose,? All of us are seeking for some kind of purpose. In this episode Dr. Ken Keis coaches on six holistic approaches or benchmarks to your, quest for purpose,. Intro to our topic:Dr. Ken Keis, is a highly sought-after author, speaker, trainer, podcast host, and TV and media guest. His latest books include: Why Aren't You More Like Me?, Deliberate Leadership, and The Quest For Purpose.So many people listening have been trapped down a pathway that was really sort of conditioned from their background. I woke one morning and asked myself if this was what I wanted to be doing in 20 years from now, and the answer was no. So, I immediately took action. I decided to qui farming and hired a coach to help me figure out what I wanted to do in life. My, quest for purpose, began. What was my purpose in life? The answer, to help others to live, lead and work on purpose. My coach passed away from cancer many years ago now, and I just took his process and then added and enhanced it. Basical