Saulle Says Podcast



Saulle Says features host Rick Saulle opining on a myriad of topics ranging from his groundbreaking life philosophy centered around only focusing on the things you can control which is your PEA - Preparation, Effort & Attitude. He offers his thoughts on steps you can take to become the best version of yourself. And finally he provides sales tips compiled over his 25 years in the greatest profession in the world - sales. You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.  Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life.I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at


  • Saulle's Sales Tips: 6 Steps to Ensure Success

    18/08/2017 Duration: 04min

    How many times have you heard someone say (maybe even yourself) that they wish their life was better or different?  Too many to count I suspect.  Imagine their response if you replied, "What are you doing to make it better?"  They'd probably respond with a blank stare and stunned silence.  But that's the reality of life.  We, as individuals, have to take steps to make our lives better.  We can't wait for another person or an outside force to intercede.  For better or worse, it's on us.  This episode of the Saulle Says Podcast lays out 6 solid steps for making a difference in your life.  Thanks for listening and please to a moment to subscribe and/or review my podcast.  And for you salespeople out there be sure to visit for a free download "7 Proven Techniques to Attract the best people, Make more sales and Increase your income." #saullesays

  • Saulle Says: I AM A BULLYING VICTIM!

    09/08/2017 Duration: 13min

    Don't EVER let your past define you, destroy you or defeat you. Let it strengthen you.  I am a bullying victim.  I've been bullied physically, verbally and emotionally beginning in 6th grade and continuing to the present day.   It was a relentless, vicious parade of insults and humiliations perpetrated by strangers, enemies and worst of all friends.  They identified and exploited my weaknesses at every chance.  I could have let it define me, destroy me or defeat me, but instead it helped me become the strong, confident and talented person I am today.  I learned that I can't control bullies, but I can control my reaction to them.  I hope you enjoy this episode and PLEASE share this message as bullying effects millions of people every single day.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking

  • Saulle Says: Want It! Picture It! Get It!

    06/08/2017 Duration: 07min

    We all want something more, better or even different out of our lives.  Perhaps we want to be thinner or maybe wealthier or perhaps we'd like a job that fills us with passion.  The what doesn't matter as long as it's your what.   So once you figure out the what, you have to visualize it.  Picture a thinner you.  Picture yourself on your dream vacation from your new found wealth.  Picture a happier you working at your new job.  Finally you must go GET IT!  Don't let your self doubt, fear or other people deter you.  Chip away every day and your new life will be within your grasp.  Please make sure to download, subscribe and review the SAULLE SAYS PODCAST.    You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working wit

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: Own Worst Enemy

    23/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    MY OWN WORST ENEMY was a great 1999 jam by the post-grunge band Lit, but unfortunately it's also the anthem for so many of us every single day.  Whether you are a network marketer trying to grow your downline or a salesperson attempting to crush goal you are certain to create situations that prevent you from achieving the success you so richly deserve.  You set unattainable goals or perhaps you fall victim to negative thoughts, actions and words.  Simply put you are your own worst enemy.  In this episode I outline some of the common traps and provide some quick fixes that will put you on the right track. #saullesays If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe so you'll have access to other outstanding sales tips and life lessons.  I encourage all of my listeners to leave a review too.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & lif

  • Saulle Says: Goal Setting

    19/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    One of the most important things a person can do to shape the type of person they want to become is to set goals.  Goals gives us focus.  Goals help us determine our purpose.  Goals keep us on track despite the myriad of distractions that come our way everyday.  Yet very few people see the value or more importantly take the time to set goals for themselves.  While I haven't necessarily ventured into unchartered waters on this podcast I have tried to reinforce the importance of setting goals utilizing the SMART system.  If you enjoy it make sure you subscribe to future podcasts and of course feel free to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: The Power of Positive Speaking

    13/07/2017 Duration: 02min

    The Power of Positive Speaking is all about using positive words and phrases to elevate your attitude, inspire people & most importantly put your network marketing prospects or sales prospects in a buying state of mind. One of my all time favorite approaches is the FEEL, FELT, FOUND approach. It's the perfect blend of positivity and empathy. This episode will give you a subtle edge over your competition because prospects and customers will want to see you. Thanks to all of my wonderful subscribers.  Please feel free to leave a review if you like what you hear.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle Says: How to Avoid Self Sabotage

    11/07/2017 Duration: 11min

    How often do we get in our own way?  We are sailing along smoothly when all of the sudden we do or say something that sabotages our own success.  It's happened to all of us at one time or another in our lives.  Maybe as children, teens or most likely as adults.  We see examples of self-sabotage everywhere in the media and amongst celebrities.  People work so hard to get to the next level in their lives and when they get there they are usually responsible for the rapid fall from grace.  In this episode I try to explain why we do it and what we can do to prevent it.   As always thanks to all of my subscribers and please feel free to leave a review as well.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working wit

  • Saulle Says - Keys to Better Time Management

    11/07/2017 Duration: 11min

    The #1 challenge that most people face in their daily lives is time management.  How do I get everything done within daily time constraints?  Unfortunately there isn't an easy answer.  Rather it takes prioritization, discipline and tough choices.  And above everything else you have to minimize self-induced distractions.  In this episode I discuss the issues that exist and some very clear steps for navigating them.   As always, I'm grateful to all of my subscribers and encourage you to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: Be a Leader within YOUR Team

    10/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    Is your sales team struggling?  Are you having a hard time getting your downline to step outside of their comfort zone to reach new heights?  These 5 tenets of leadership will inspire you to take on a leadership role within your team.  Once you assume this new role, your colleagues will follow, your business will explode and your bonuses will increase exponentially.   I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.  You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle Says - Overcoming Negativity

    10/07/2017 Duration: 07min

    Negativity is everywhere.  The media, colleagues and even our friends.  It can destroy us if we let it.  The key is to avoid negative situations and negative people as much as possible.  Do you check your phone first thing in the morning?  If so you are exposing yourself to negative stimuli which will potentially dictate your mindset for the day.  Check out this episode to find some outstanding ways to overcome negativity in your life.  I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle Says: Traits of Great Leaders

    10/07/2017 Duration: 07min

    What makes a great leader?  Are leaders born or made?  Can you become a leader within your life?  These are some of the questions that are asked and answered in the episode.  You don't have be strong-willed, outgoing or have a booming voice to lead rather you must have a strong conviction in what you are doing.  People will recognize it immediately and they will follow you.   I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle Says - Personal Accountability

    10/07/2017 Duration: 08min

    Management consultant Todd Herman defines personal accountability as "being willing to answer for the outcomes resulting from your choices, behaviors and actions.  Or as   I like say you have to "own it."  This episode is focused on understanding personal accountability while laying out some very clear steps on how to improve this facet of your life.  I'm so thankful for all of you amazing subscribers.  I encourage you to leave a review too.    You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at    

  • Saulle Says: How to Improve Your Self-Image

    10/07/2017 Duration: 10min

    You must believe in yourself when nobody else will.  That is the essence of a positive self-image.  We can't rely on others to make us feel good about ourselves because once we give the power to lift us up, we are also granting them the power to tear us down.  I've laid out some very clear steps on what it takes to establish a strong, resilient self-image.  I'm so thankful for all of you amazing subscribers.  I encourage you to leave a review too. You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at     

  • Saulle Says - Finding Your Purpose

    10/07/2017 Duration: 07min

    In my humble opinion, the single biggest reason why most people fail to live the life they imagine is because they haven't determined their true purpose in life.  They likely have a plan and maybe even goals, but they can't articulate their underlying purpose.  This episode outlines my thoughts on helping your determining your WHY?  And ultimately becoming the best version of yourself.  I'm so thankful for all of you amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: 5 Biggest Fears in Sales

    13/06/2017 Duration: 03min

    "Everything you want is on the other side of fear," stated Jack Canfield.  In sales fear is a driving factor in everything we do.  It prevents us from being the best sales professional we can be.  It's critical to identify these fears, understand them and determine ways to overcome them.  Those of you who can do this consistently will rise to the top of your profession.  I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: The 5 Principles of Selling

    13/06/2017 Duration: 02min

    These 5 principles are the bedrock of any successful sales career.  If you've made the decision to be a professional salesperson then you must learn and live by these principles.  You will see a total transformation in your sales career.  You'll schedule more appointments, close more sales and generate higher commissions.  I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.  You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: The Sales Pitch

    13/06/2017 Duration: 02min

    In baseball there is nothing better than a great pitch.  Well the same can be said for sales.  It's important to fine tune and perfect your pitch so you can effectively close more sales.  You need to know it inside and out.  Be prepared to handle any objections and earn the right to close the business.  I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: Ask For Referrals

    13/06/2017 Duration: 02min

    You've done the hard work and won the business.  You are cementing a strong, long-term relationship with your customer.  But your company wants more NEW business.  So rather than relying completing on "cold calling" why not ask your current customers for help.  Put them to work for you and watch your new business explode.  I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: Grammar Time

    13/06/2017 Duration: 02min

    In sales there are few things that can sabotage a potential sale quicker than poor grammar.   Mispronunciation, misuse or even misspellings can shake the prospects confidence in your professionalism and impact their buying decision.  So choose your words carefully and use them correctly.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at    

  • Saulle's Sales Tips: Believe in Your Product

    13/06/2017 Duration: 02min

    You can be the best salesperson in the world, but if you don't believe in your product or service you ultimately won't be successful.  Prospects can very perceptive when it comes to the passion, or lack thereof, that you demonstrate when talking about your product.  Additionally, you will eventually lose steam and stop doing the "right" things to be successful.   I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at  

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