Saulle Says Podcast

Saulle Says: How to Avoid Self Sabotage



How often do we get in our own way?  We are sailing along smoothly when all of the sudden we do or say something that sabotages our own success.  It's happened to all of us at one time or another in our lives.  Maybe as children, teens or most likely as adults.  We see examples of self-sabotage everywhere in the media and amongst celebrities.  People work so hard to get to the next level in their lives and when they get there they are usually responsible for the rapid fall from grace.  In this episode I try to explain why we do it and what we can do to prevent it.   As always thanks to all of my subscribers and please feel free to leave a review as well.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working wit