Saulle Says Podcast

Saulle Says - Overcoming Negativity



Negativity is everywhere.  The media, colleagues and even our friends.  It can destroy us if we let it.  The key is to avoid negative situations and negative people as much as possible.  Do you check your phone first thing in the morning?  If so you are exposing yourself to negative stimuli which will potentially dictate your mindset for the day.  Check out this episode to find some outstanding ways to overcome negativity in your life.  I'm so thankful for all of my amazing subscribers and I encourage all listeners to leave a review.   You can CONNECT WITH RICK via these other social media platforms  YouTube, iTunes, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.   Be sure to watch Rick's groundbreaking presentation BULLIED: Lessons for school, business & life. I'm available for motivational speaking, sales training or professional development coaching.  If you are interested in working with me please visit or email me at