Jerry Banfield



Sober, WPFB diet, husband, father, gamer, and an entrepreneur online with 55 video classes on Skillshare, 17 books, 613+ blog posts, 1,850+ YouTube videos, and 70 songs on iTunes/Spotify! Become a supporter of this podcast:


  • Intro How to Reach Enlightenment Right Now

    14/07/2015 Duration: 12min

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  • You cannot give what you do not have, especially as a parent.

    13/07/2015 Duration: 13min

    As a teacher and consultant, I have learned first hand that you cannot give what you do not have. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to learn this before becoming a parent, because I now know that I must lead by example if I am going to be a good role model for my child. If I want my child to be happy, successful, peaceful and live a life of service, then I must show her from what I am doing in my own life. --- Support this podcast:

  • 3 morning habits that help me wake up on the right side of the bed every day

    11/07/2015 Duration: 12min

    If you want to get out of the bed on the right side each day, here are three things I do every morning as soon as I wake up. Since I have started doing these three things my life has been phenomenally better. I have been able to accomplish more, feel better, and take better care of myself. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Doing less is my secret to producing more.

    10/07/2015 Duration: 12min

    If you want to produce more and get more done, the surprising trick I learned is when I do less I produce more. Now you may wonder, how is this possible? In the past, I would take on as much work as I possibly could because I wanted to feel busy. This would often lead to me prioritizing things that were closest to becoming due, and neglecting work that didn't have to be done right away. Everything I would do felt rushed, and the quality of my work suffered. Instead of taking on as much work as possible, I now try and focus on producing content for my Udemy courses and my YouTube channel. The result has been work that has produced more for me in terms of income, and more substantial content for my students. Taking the time to focus on a few things has greatly increased the quality of what I produce. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Saying I am sorry when I am wrong and then fixing it has made all of my relationships healthy and happy

    09/07/2015 Duration: 12min

    If you want to have healthy relationships in your life the key is to do as much good for the relationship, and admit when you are wrong. When you are selfish and inconsiderate to the other person, you will quickly sabotage your relationship with them. In the past, I would struggle to admit when I was wrong. Because of this, I didn't have the best relationships, and I would often hold grudges over stupid and petty little things. Today, I try and always take responsibility for my mistakes, and always apologize when I am selfish or inconsiderate. Not only does this help to maintain healthy, productive relationships with the people I love, but it also takes the weight off of my chest knowing that I did the right thing. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Notice anytime you start to disagree. I find whatever I want to argue about is exactly what I need to listen to.

    08/07/2015 Duration: 10min

    Do you constantly find yourself arguing with those around you? Anytime I have been in a place of struggle, the words I needed to hear were often said to me directly. These same words I needed to hear were the same words I tended to argue over. Last night, I received an e-mail sharing constructive criticism pertaining to my Udemy courses. My first instinct was to argue with this person, but I managed to stop myself. Instead, I thanked them for sharing their opinion with me, and may even implement some of the changes they suggested. So, the next time you find yourself inclined to argue over something, first ask yourself if they are words you need to hear. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Why are we here? Service is the purpose of my life.

    07/07/2015 Duration: 08min

    Why are we here today? What can we possibly accomplish in this life? What is the point of doing what we are doing everyday? To me, knowing the why of it all and knowing my purpose gives me peace of mind. I am thankful to have finally discovered my calling in life, and it is to be of service to you. In the past, my main purpose in life was to have fun. Unfortunately for me having fun often meant situations involving excitement and chaos. The world wants service out of everyone and for people to be useful in society. When you go around and do things that are not useful, you are usually not rewarded in life. Once I figured out that being of service was the proper way to live my life, I was surprised to realize how simple, yet satisfying, life can truly be. Thank for you taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Who are you really? Ask who you really are and you might be surprised at the answer.

    06/07/2015 Duration: 19min

    Who are you really? This is a question I struggled with as a child, teenager and young adult. In the United States, we typically introduce ourselves by sharing our name, where we live and what we do for a living. Well, my birth name is Gerald (same as my Dad), I moved around growing up due to my Mom being in the Army, and I wouldn't hold a job for longer than a year when I was younger. I remember when I was an orientation leader at my college and we were supposed to introduce ourselves to the incoming freshman and include where we grew up. Each day I would tell the different groups of students I grew up in a different area and this made my supervisor angry. But, the truth was I did not know where I was from or who I really was as a person. During different phases of my life I have been involved with different groups, enjoyed different activities, held different jobs and spent time with different people. I have come to embrace that rather than associating myself with past accomplishments or past titles, I now

  • Wanting and waiting for happiness in the future made me misable a lot of my life

    30/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    Are you happy with what you have in life? I got everything in my life I ever wanted, and I still wasn't happy. I have a beautiful wife, successful business, live in a house I own and drive a comfortable car, but I still was not happy. I am thankful to have discovered that happiness isn't about having everything I want or having things done the way I think they should be done, happiness comes from within. It is the simple joy of being alive. It doesn't matter how much money you have, how many things you own or what kind of job you have, you can be happy by simply appreciating what life has to offer. Ever since I was a kid, my mind told me that the more things I accumulated and accomplished, the happier I would be. Well, this simply wasn't true. I soon realized that the more things I bought, the utility I received drastically diminished. I have found that a life of service brings far more happiness than a life of excess and materialism. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your fee

  • You are not a klutz! You are just in a hurry.

    29/06/2015 Duration: 08min

    Do you feel like you are always in a hurry? Do you constantly find yourself bumping in to things or accidentally breaking stuff? Most of my life, I always found myself rushing around to get somewhere or complete something. I would treat each activity as a means to an end rather than enjoying the actual activity itself. It got so ridiculous that I couldn't even enjoy a movie anymore because I was waiting for it to end. So the next time you find yourself rushing to work, slow down. Life isn't a race. Not only do you put yourself in physical danger when you race around, but you miss the little things that make life special. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • Do the next right thing and don't make it worse.

    28/06/2015 Duration: 06min

    The two phrases I have come to live by are "do the next right thing" and "don't make it worse." No matter what is going on in my life, these two thoughts help me to make the right decision each moment as to what I should do. Both do the next right thing and don't make it worse are similar in meaning because no matter what decisions you may have made in the past, you have the opportunity to start making positive choices right now. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • What is the most valuable thing each of us has to offer in life?

    26/06/2015 Duration: 12min

    What is the most valuable thing you have to offer in your life? I have found that the most valuable thing I can offer in life is my attention. Things I give my attention to each day seem to grow and flourish. This has been especially true for my Udemy courses and my YouTube channel. The more videos I upload to my YouTube channel, the more subscribers and social interaction I get. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • God is one in my life today. Thank you for helping me see that my relationship with God is always the most important

    23/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    Does God play an important role in your life? In this video I will explain how having a strong relationship with God, or any other higher power, strengthens your love and understanding for all other forms of life, and helps you to accept even the most difficult of situations. --- Support this podcast:

  • Who are you? Who am I?.mp4

    22/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    How do you define yourself? Do you associate yourself with a certain race, religion or political group? In this video I explore how subjective titles are in society, and how these titles determine how you are treated and which opportunities are presented to you --- Support this podcast:

  • How I maintain a high energy level each day.mp4

    21/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    Do you have trouble maintaining a high energy level each day? The main way I maintain a high energy level is by taking care of myself each moment. I try to do what is best for my body, mind and soul. Everyday you have the ability to make choices on what you do and how you feel. In the past, I would often feel apathetic because I felt as if I was stuck in a routine. The first step to maintaining a high energy level each day is to appreciate each moment, and live one day at a time. Next, I make sure I get enough sleep each night. Sleep is essential for recovery and gives me a positive start to each day. Finally, I pay careful attention to my diet and take the time to exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Each day I eat balanced and try to eat simply. I try to avoid processed foods and eat smaller meals. The worst thing you can do is eat large meals of over 1,000 calories. Your body will expend extra energy to process large meals and this will make you tired. Remember, each day you have a choice on how to live

  • Why I stopped setting goals and started living one day at a

    19/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    Are you a goal oriented person? Ever since I was young, I was an extremely goal oriented person. Whether it was getting straight A's in school or buying my first car, I always found a way to accomplish the goals I set for myself. However, after I achieved my goal I only received a brief moment of joy for all my hard work and sacrifice. So, what did I do? I set new goals for myself! When I first started working online I wasn't making any money. I created a website to help people with gaming addiction and I was mentioned in the local newspaper and even a website in China, but this wasn't enough. So, I made it my goal to make $1,000 in a month online. After I achieved this I wanted to make $2,000, then $10,000. It didn't matter how high my income rose because I wanted more. Goals sucked the life out of the moment and made today seem like a means to getting to tomorrow. Fixating on goals caused me to miss the simple things going on around me, and neglect my health and well being. Thank you for taking the time to

  • Love or hate is the one choice you have every moment.

    18/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    Do you choose to love or hate each moment? You can either love or hate each moment you experience in life. It doesn't matter what you did in your past or what you may do in the future, you have the choice to love and embrace every moment. In the past, I would often choose hate. Whether I didn't get my way or thought something was unfair, I found myself constantly rejecting the moment. All this did was bring more hate and constant pain and suffering. When you hate someone else you are not only hating the things you perceive to be different from you, but you are also hating the things that are similar. So today, I ask you to choose to love the moment and the people who surround you. A life of love and service is very rewarding both physically and spiritually. Thank you for taking the time to be here, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • 3 tips guaranteed to help you be happy with the work you have now, find a better job, and help the people in your life in their

    17/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    Do you want a better job, career, or to feel better about your work? I have three tips that have helped me improve in both my work and as a person. 1) Give an honest effort. Most people spend so much time complaining about their job, how overweight they are or how much they dislike their friends and never try to make a change. If you don't like your job or the people you work with, find a new one! 2) Stop complaining. Complaining takes effort and gives you a negative mindset. Instead of complaining, send out job applications every time something irritates you at work. 3) Encourage others around you. If you are stuck working at a job you dislike, instead of obsessing over it encourage others around you. My wife has been very supportive of me even when I wasn't making much money. Now I am in the position to be the sole income earner! --- Support this podcast:

  • How I enjoyed being sick

    16/06/2015 Duration: 10min

    Does getting sick make you angry? I used to get sick all the time because of stress from work, drinking too much, and not eating well. Getting sick usually forced me to miss activities I had planned, and this irritated me. Now that I am making it a priority to stay healthy, I rarely get sick. Eating healthier and exercising everyday has done wonders for my health. Since I know I am taking better care of myself, on the off chance I do get sick I no longer feel guilty about my bad habits. I no longer bring the pain and suffering from my past to make me feel worse when I get sick. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast:

  • how to create youtube videos 7 different ways.mp4

    15/06/2015 Duration: 44min

    1) Use Google Hangouts On Air for free web cam and screen capture. 2) Use the YouTube Video Editor to combine the best of your existing content. If you have a video with a great introduction, use it for your other videos! 3) Use Creative Commons videos to create compilations. Top ten videos, compilations and lists are very popular online. Take the best (or worst) of other people's videos and create a top 10! 4) Record yourself playing video games using a capture card. Video game footage is one of the top searches on YouTube and if you are playing either new games or provide entertaining commentary, it is easy to get views! 5) Use Google AdWords to accelerate your videos placement in organic search. Advertising your video is a great way to get your video noticed, and this bump in traffic will tell YouTube to rank your video higher! 6) Create long videos for dedicated viewers. Vines and other short videos might get you your 15 minutes of fame, but longer and more informational videos give your audience a

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