Jerry Banfield

3 tips guaranteed to help you be happy with the work you have now, find a better job, and help the people in your life in their



Do you want a better job, career, or to feel better about your work? I have three tips that have helped me improve in both my work and as a person. 1) Give an honest effort. Most people spend so much time complaining about their job, how overweight they are or how much they dislike their friends and never try to make a change. If you don't like your job or the people you work with, find a new one! 2) Stop complaining. Complaining takes effort and gives you a negative mindset. Instead of complaining, send out job applications every time something irritates you at work. 3) Encourage others around you. If you are stuck working at a job you dislike, instead of obsessing over it encourage others around you. My wife has been very supportive of me even when I wasn't making much money. Now I am in the position to be the sole income earner! --- Support this podcast: