Jerry Banfield

Love or hate is the one choice you have every moment.



Do you choose to love or hate each moment? You can either love or hate each moment you experience in life. It doesn't matter what you did in your past or what you may do in the future, you have the choice to love and embrace every moment. In the past, I would often choose hate. Whether I didn't get my way or thought something was unfair, I found myself constantly rejecting the moment. All this did was bring more hate and constant pain and suffering. When you hate someone else you are not only hating the things you perceive to be different from you, but you are also hating the things that are similar. So today, I ask you to choose to love the moment and the people who surround you. A life of love and service is very rewarding both physically and spiritually. Thank you for taking the time to be here, and I appreciate your feedback! --- Support this podcast: