Jerry Banfield

Wanting and waiting for happiness in the future made me misable a lot of my life



Are you happy with what you have in life? I got everything in my life I ever wanted, and I still wasn't happy. I have a beautiful wife, successful business, live in a house I own and drive a comfortable car, but I still was not happy. I am thankful to have discovered that happiness isn't about having everything I want or having things done the way I think they should be done, happiness comes from within. It is the simple joy of being alive. It doesn't matter how much money you have, how many things you own or what kind of job you have, you can be happy by simply appreciating what life has to offer. Ever since I was a kid, my mind told me that the more things I accumulated and accomplished, the happier I would be. Well, this simply wasn't true. I soon realized that the more things I bought, the utility I received drastically diminished. I have found that a life of service brings far more happiness than a life of excess and materialism. Thank you for taking the time to be here with me, and I appreciate your fee