Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner



The Ebony Empress Shows has been voted Business Online Talk Show of the year 2014 by the EBR Awards. Ebony Empress is the host and she is based in London. Ebony has a passion to help her listeners find the love they want and deserve. She has her own unique style of hosting and once bitten you will forever be smitten by her charm and humour. These are a variety of shows that are all about Life, Love, Dating, Self Development and Self Growth. Relationships are affected by the way we think and our ability to understand who we are. Ebony wants to support your personal growth and encourage you to love yourself and others...... Enjoy the journey!!


  • Are you worthy of what you require from a potential partner? Part2

    26/03/2015 Duration: 02h03min

    So tonight Ebony and Lady Tee will be talking again about self worth and what we require from a potential partner. Tonight we take Tuesdays Show conversation to the next level... What we require is often about what we think the other person needs to bring to the table. He needs to be a faithful man...He needs to be financially stable and handle his business, he needs to be a good lover, a good friend, available etc... Are these requirements realistic and in today's world? The answer from most of us is YES because im worth it. Hm....So why are you still single? Let's talk about it.... Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com

  • Are you worthy of what you require from a potential partner?

    24/03/2015 Duration: 02h35min

    So tonight Ebony and Lady Tee will be talking about self worth and what we require from a potential partner. What we require is often about what we think the other person needs to bring to the table. He needs to be a faithful man...He needs to be financially stable and handle his business, he needs to be a good lover, a good friend, available etc... Are these requirements realistic and in today's world? The answer from most of us is YES because im worth it. Hm....So why are you still single? Let's talk about it.... Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com  

  • Should women sit up and listen when men bitch and moan?

    19/03/2015 Duration: 02h00s

    Tonight Lady Tee and Ebony will be talking about the growing number of men who are constantly bitching and moaning about women. These men feel ignored  and that women do not listen to them. This has got pretty serious and we can see this by the number of websites where men openly vent their anger against women. We now have a new group of men that are on mass boycotting traditional relationships in what is being called a Sexodus. They are resorting to celibacy, games, and being pick up artists because they believe the change brought by feminism, has made relationships with women untenable. So where do we go from here.. Are men afraid of 21st Century women? Are some young men to weak for women? Is there to much bitching, moaning and crying from men? Let's talk about it... 3479457556 or hit us in the chatroom  

  • How do you make black love feel really special in 2015?

    10/03/2015 Duration: 01h33min

    Tonight Lady Tee and Ebony are talking to James C Lewis about his art and the love he has for black relationships. In a time when so many people of African decent are dating and marrying outside their race is it still fashionable to support and encourage black love? James Cornelius Lewis is a native of Statesboro, GA, following graduation from High School he relocated to Atlanta,GA where he received his Visual Communications Degree from the Art Institute of Atlanta. After working in The Corporate World of Advertising & Marketing for 10yrs, James decided to launch his own Photography Studio in 2008. Noire3000 | N3K Photo Studios is a one stop creative shop located in the great city of Atlanta,GA. This studio offers you the best of photography, graphic design and illustration. James is also the visionary behind the Noire3000 | N3K Fashion Galas that were initiated back in 2009. In 2013 James was invited to London,England for his very first International Photography Exhibit...Following this great success, h

  • 10 ways to find the one - Advice for reluctant daters

    05/03/2015 Duration: 01h42min

    Tonight Ebony and Lady Tee are joined by Vix G and Dominique Andersen. We are talking about how women find the special person they want for a relationship.... Vix G will update us on her dating journey. Dominique Andersen joins us from Paris. She is a coach who helps women who are struggling to create a life they love. Using her unique coaching approach, she helps them get unstuck and attract the resources and solutions they need to live with authenticity, passion and integrity.

  • How do you untie soul ties?

    26/02/2015 Duration: 01h59min

    Tonight we are talking about Soul ties and their impact on your life. Soul ties are people you connect with intimately and some how when its all over you just can't seem to shake them. You may find yourself going back to that person again and again. What can you do to free yourself? Lets talk about it.... 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom www.ebonyempresstv.com

  • What is going on...Why am I still single in 2015?

    24/02/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Tonight we are talking about WHY we are still be single in 2015. Now of course if you are good looking, smart, intelligent with a great sense of humour, People will ask the question....So WHY are you still single? Being single isn't a bad thing, its a great opportunity to spend time getting to know yourself, pursue interests, travel, date and generally have fun. However there sometimes comes a point when you may question what's going on in your love life. Is it you that has the problem? Is it the foolishness in the single world that puts you off? Are you happy being on your own? Or are you waiting for Mr or Mrs Right to show up and take you off into the sunset? Join Ebony and Lady Tee as we have a candid conversation about what's really going on.... Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com  

  • How can you know my thoughts when I don't speak them?

    22/02/2015 Duration: 01h30min

    Tonight in the Talk back Lounge we are talking about how we communicate our thoughts and feelings with others. Why is it so hard to tell it like it is? In life there are so many opportunities to communicate with people around us. The thing we sometimes fear most is to speak our minds or share what's on our heart. Somehow the truth of what we are thinking or feeling get's stuck in our throats and we struggle to let it out. Saying what we think to someone who isn't related to the person we need to talk to is easy. We can rant on about what that person said or did, or should have said or should have done but when that person is present we cannot speak our truth. Why is gossiping so destructive? Let's talk about it..... If you believe you are a child of God how is this issue for you? Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom Follow this show @ http://www.lightfm.net  Mike Johnson is the producer      

  • How to know if you are with someone who is a fake

    17/02/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Tonight we are talking about fakes and how to identify those who are living or being a lie. Is it the way that they walk? Is it the way they talk? What makes someone unbelievable? Are there any signs to look out for? A fake is someone who has a false or misleading appearance . One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham. To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit. To simulate or to feign. Have you ever totally believed that someone was genuine...They promised they would be there for you, to support you and be by your side. But when it never happened and they do a 360 degree turn around and swear they don't remember or they didn't mean it the way you heard it, what is that about?  Is that a fake or what? Join Tee and Ebony as we talk about...How to know if you are with a fake? Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom  

  • 10 ways to make your date feel a billion dollars on Valentines Day

    12/02/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    As Valentine's Day approaches..tonight we will be talking about how to make your date or partner feel valued and loved not just on Saturday but everyday of the year, Listen in to hear Lady Tee's and Ebony tips..... You may have some of your own ideas... We would love to hear from you Call in and join the show on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom.      

  • Could Open Relationships be the future for happy love connections?

    10/02/2015 Duration: 01h45min

    Tonight we talking with It's Real Radio about the merits and the long terms effects of open relationships. I guess this is an important topic given the average love relationship in 2014 lasted about 2 years. Are more flexible agreements the answer to making our love connections last? Are 20 year plus marriages a thing of the past? An open relationship is essentially having your cake and eating it too, romantically speaking. When two people agree to be in an open relationship, they admit they love and care about each other but mutually agree that they want to see other people too. Oftentimes those in an open relationship consider themselves to be in love with each other, but they can have lesser attachments and sexual relationships outside of their main love interest without any ill effects on their primary relationship. Join us on 3479457556 with your view or hit the chatroom with your comments Follow Ebonyhttp://www.ebonyempresstv,com  

  • Global Dating - The Reluctant Daters Guide - Part 3

    05/02/2015 Duration: 01h36min

    Tonight Vix G  shares the work she is doing to get herself ready for a relationship. She will share her journey and the goals she has set for herself. Dating for those who have been out of the game for a while can be a stressful process. This is the reluctant daters guide... to becoming your best self, opening up to possibilities and dating with a plan ... Oh and having fun along the way!' Lady Tee also joins me as my new co host.... She is single a performer, model. Actress and Motivator. She likes to enjoy life to the full. She loves good jams, travel and trying new things. Join the conversation on 3479457556

  • How to find your Mojo for dating and relationships

    03/02/2015 Duration: 01h36min

    Tonight we are talking about Finding your mojo with Misha N. Granado.... If you have lost your Mojo and feel like you have no motivation for love or relationships listen in tonight for some inspiration. Misha Speaks Love (lectures), Writes Love (books and editorials) and Brings Love(therapy) into Existence and is the Founder of Love Grows: The Relationship Consultants. Life is about relationships, and the relationship you have with self will determine and influence ALL of the relationships in your life. A few accomplishments include: being voted The  Best in Premarital Counseling by Texas Brides, recognized by Worldwide Who's Who for Excellence in Relationship Consulting, a contributor to EXaholics and the author of B.L.O.O.M. Allow Misha to help you become your BEST self which will improve all of the relationships in your life. Call in tonight 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom Follow Misha @ http://www.mishagranado.com/  

  • Should single Christian women look for love or wait for love?

    01/02/2015 Duration: 01h29min

    Tonight in the talkback lounge we are talking about the dilemma single christian women face in finding a life partner. Should these women actively pursue a partner or do they wait for God to bring that person to them? The ratio of single women in the church to single men is about 7 women to One man. So for single christian men going to church must be close to sitting in a sweet shop full of candy bars. If you are overlooked again and again, what are the chances that you will find your Boaz when the odds are so stacked against you? Join Ebony and Jaz in the Talkback lounge and let's chop it up. You can call or Skype in on 3479457556 or please leave a question or comment in the chat room Follow all our shows @ www.lightfm.net  

  • How do you succeed when the odds are stacked against you?

    25/01/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Tonight is the first outing on blogtalkradio for the Talk Back Lounge. TalkBack @ LightFM Radio is a brand new concept created by Radio Hosts Jaz Rodney-Sargeant and Ebony Empress. Tonight we are joined in the lounge by Cheyenne Bostock. Cheyenne wrote the book Break every chain, which is a guide to help men overcome the vicious cycle of fatherless homes, unemployment and incarceration... Join as we talk about his journey.... Follow Cheyenne @ www.askcheyb.com TalkBack @ LightFM Radio is a brand new concept created by London sisters Jaz Rodney-Sargeant and Ebony Empress (Sandra Rodney), supported by respected music and radio producer Mike Johnson. With backgrounds in business management, presenting and training – these dynamic sisters decided to pool resources to bring a new style audience participation show to both the UK and global networks and in November 2014 Talkback was born. The show provides an opportunity for audience participation in dialogue around faith, social, or political issues as they affec

  • How does a man begin to heal from heartbreak?

    22/01/2015 Duration: 01h32min

    Tonight we are talking to Cheyenne Bostock who is a Life & Relationship Expert, Author and Father. Like many young African American males, he lacked a father/positive male role model in his life. The book Break Every Chain is a guide to help our men overcome the vicious cycle of fatherless homes, unemployment and incarceration that plague our communities.  A social media campaign called #BreakEveryChain consisting of video interviews of public figures such as Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, NY State Senator Kevin Parker, NY State Assemblymen Walter T. Mosley, Artist Danny Simmons, Modern Day Match Maker Paul C. Brunson, Pastor Jamal Bryant and many others was launched on December 18, 2014. Bostock is a regular on The Bill Cunningham Show, writes for the Huffington Post, and has been featured on Fox News, Chasing NJ, News 12 BK, Arise TV, and Fusion TV. For more info, follow @AskCheyB and visit www.askcheyb.com. Cheyenne Bostock’s #BreakEveryChain Testimonial:  Bostock’s father passed away when he

  • Terms and Conditions for dating and relationships?

    20/01/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Tonight we are talking with Kinte Indyshowcase about the terms and conditions for dating and relationships. If you are unsure about what dating terms and conditions are all about, tonight's show will clear that up. Most heartache in relationships result from miscommunication.  How do you ensure the person you are dating is on the same page and understands where you are and what works for you? Where does dating stop and a relationship start?  Kinte is the host of the Mars/Venus Show.... “Men and Women Talk: the Mars/Venus Show” is a radio show with a panel of women and men talking about issues of the day. This program deals with a wide range of topics such as relationships, Dating being superficial, the workplace, Catfishing and much more. Mondays 6pm pst/ 9pm est @ www.indyradio.org •Email: Marsvenspodcast@gmail.com •Voice mail: (662) 771-1306 Join as we talk about our dating terms and conditions  3479457556 follow Ebony @ http://www.ebonyempresstv.com email http://ebonyempressuk@gmail.com  

  • Dating solutions 2015 - Guidance for reluctant daters

    15/01/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    Tonight  as part 2 to the discussion last week we are identifying different strategies that can support those who want to actively work towards finding a partner this year. Vix G joins me and shares the work she is doing to get herself ready for a relationship. She will share her journey and the goals she has set for herself. Dating for those who have been out of the game for a while can be a stressful process. This is the reluctant daters guide... to becoming your best self, opening up to possibilities and dating with a plan ... Oh and having fun along the way!' Join the conversation on 3479457556 or comment in the chat room www.ebonyempresstv.com

  • Dating solutions for 2015

    08/01/2015 Duration: 01h34min

    Tonight we are identifying different strategies that can support those who want to actively work towards finding a partner this year. Vix G joins me and shares the work she is doing to get herself ready for a relationship. She will share her journey and the goals she has set for herself. Dating for those who have been out of the game for a while can be a stressful process. This is the reluctant daters guide... to becoming your best self, opening up to possibilities and dating with a plan ... Oh and having fun along the way!' Join the conversation on 3479457556 or comment in the chat room www.ebonyempresstv.com

  • Happy Holidays!!!....What are your dating goals for 2015?

    23/12/2014 Duration: 02h06min

    Tonight as we approach 2015 we are looking at dating goals for the new year. What's your plan for finding a partner? Are you seriously looking for partner? Where are the best places to conduct that search? Are you still happy to sit back and wait for Mr or Mrs Right? How are you going to meet your future mate? Do you feel that life will lead you to that perfect person or are you gonna chase love down and secure it for yourself? . Allowing yourself to be open to opportunities to meet someone, yet not becoming obsessed with it may give you a better chance to find someone on your terms. What about friends introducing friends to potential partners can this work? Let's talk about it 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom See you at the top of the hour www.ebonyempresstv.com

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