Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

Should women sit up and listen when men bitch and moan?



Tonight Lady Tee and Ebony will be talking about the growing number of men who are constantly bitching and moaning about women. These men feel ignored  and that women do not listen to them. This has got pretty serious and we can see this by the number of websites where men openly vent their anger against women. We now have a new group of men that are on mass boycotting traditional relationships in what is being called a Sexodus. They are resorting to celibacy, games, and being pick up artists because they believe the change brought by feminism, has made relationships with women untenable. So where do we go from here.. Are men afraid of 21st Century women? Are some young men to weak for women? Is there to much bitching, moaning and crying from men? Let's talk about it... 3479457556 or hit us in the chatroom